One thousand posts

Setting wood fence posts
This is the 1,000th post published since the new Fulking website went live nearly three years ago. Of these, five hundred have appeared since mid-February this year.

The individual responsible for the majority of these posts is relinquishing his ‘news editor’ role at the end of December and returning to his primary duties as local history editor, much neglected of late. Pigeon Post type news, which is typically strictly local to Fulking, is now in the capable hands of PP‘s new editor. But the website has been covering much else besides: the National Park, local jobs, property for sale or rent, planning issues, Mayfield, the South Downs Way, the Rampion trench, Woods Mill events, the local National Trust, the neighbouring villages, and the state of the nearby trunk roads, inter alia. Thus we have a vacancy (or two). If you think you might be interested in taking some of this on, get in touch. No great technical expertise is required and the existing website team will be happy to provide tutorials, mentoring, whatever, as appropriate.