Fulking Parish Council wishes to advise you of the following planning appeal:
Broadreeds, The Street, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9LU
Demolition of existing garden building/garage and construction of holiday annexe
The above application was refused by Mid Sussex District Council (working as agent for the South Downs National Park), but the applicants have appealed against this decision. The application has therefore been referred to the Planning Inspectorate.
Anybody is entitled to comment on the application, whether or not he or she did so initially – representations should be made as follows:
– either via the planning portal – www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs
– or by email teamp13@pins.gsi.gov.uk
– or send three copies of the letter to:
The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/21 Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square,
Bristol BS1 6PN
Comments to be submitted by 16th January, 2013
Reference number APP/Y9507/A/12/2188704/NWF
Information and documents on the application can be accessed via the link below: