A planning meeting will be held in The Village Hall on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 7pm to consider the following application
Knole House Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH SDNP/19/00006/HOUS
Demolition of an existing two-storey house and ancillary garage with store room above. Replaced with new two-storey house and an attached new double garage with store room above. New vehicular gate and street facing boundary wall. With detached pool house and swimming pool to the rear of the property.
Members of the public and press are invited to attend and are entitled to speak at the meeting for two minutes by prior appointment with the Clerk. No more than two speakers are permitted in favour of the proposal, and two against.
Trevor Parsons,Clerk, Fulking Parish Council
17 Ockley Way, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8NE Tel: 07767 422733