Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting – 12th October 2017

Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30 pm on 12th October 2017 at the Village Hall, Fulking

Present: Chairman Miles Firth, Councillors Kate Watson, Linda Dyos, Michael Trist, Mark Hind, Clerk to the Council Derek Blackhall, MSD Councillor Colin Trumble, and 8 members of the public.

Public Participation; A member of the public raised an issue in respect of ownership of the land beneath the village hall. It would appear there was no documentation evident which proves who actually owns this land. It was considered important to find out the answer as it could affect the future possible disposal of the building. It was requested that the Parish Council to formally approach the Parish Church Council to ask them to verify their claim to ownership of the land. It was agreed to contact Tom Clarke at MSDC for advice in the first instance as to the best approach to take. Action Miles.

The Chairman welcomed everyone.

Apologies: WSC Councillor Joy Dennis, MSD Councillors John Wilkinson and Anthony Watts Williams.

Please will all Councillors or district/county council representatives ensure that they notify the Clerk of any possible non-attendance, ideally 24hrs before the meeting.

Declarations of Interest: None.

  1. The minutes of the previous meetings held on 13th & 20th July, and 7th September, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman.
  1. Reports from District and County councillors:

The District Neighbourhood Plan is nearing completion; it now contains an additional 500 houses in Hassocks, and the final consultation closes on 13th November. There is a District economic growth strategy being prepared to demonstrate self-sufficiency and trying to keep businesses in, cut commuting, and identify rural impact. The local broadband situation is unacceptably ‘patchy’ and detailed findings are to be presented to MP Nick Herbert.

There was no WSCC report.

  1. Planning applications:
    • 1 SDNP/17/04233/CND | Variation of Condition 8 on planning consent SDNP/16/01987/FUL – External lighting is necessary to ensure safe way finding around the site at night. This is proposed with low level lighting that has been specified to avoid light pollution | Hillside Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB

There was a debate as to whether there was enough information to fully consider the ‘Dark Skies’ impact. On balance it was decided this application left concerns that it contravenes the Dark Skies philosophy if consent to the variation is given-it was decided to OBJECT to this and the resulting vote was 3 of the 5 Councillors against the proposal.

  • 2 SDNP/17/04811/HOUS | Conversion of existing garage into annex. | The Cabbage Patch Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH.

It was felt that this did not need planning consent, the application is very similar to the previous version, less the garage, and the resulting comments were the same as before. 3 of the 5 Councillors voted IN FAVOUR of the application.

  1. Matters Arising:

4.1 Clappers Lane Unsuitable for HGVs sign-Richard Speller has estimated the cost of a replacement sign to be £250, but that WSCC will not fund it. The Parish Council approved the funding. Richard Speller to be contacted. Action Miles. Local residents most affected by the sign should be told in advance.

4.2 Ladybrook Spring maintenance update-this work has been completed and this item is to now be removed from the agenda.

4.3 Proposed parking measures West of Lady Brook Spring-Joy Dennis to be contacted regarding any available County Councillor discretionary funding for us to use. Action Miles. The subject of yellow lines had been discussed at the site visit with WSCC and is to be put on the next agenda for a full village discussion. Action Derek
The Parish Council authorised the replacement cost of damaged cones. Action Mark

  5. Highways

As usual, any problems/blockages must be reported to
http://love.westsussex.gov.uk/Reports or 01243 642105. Please pass info to the PC for its records.
The Parish Council must be informed of highways/flooding issues for them to follow up; please send incident numbers to the Parish Clerk. Richard Speller has an interest here.

  1. Other matters.

6.1 Conference feedback-It was noted Action in Rural Sussex can provide events support; WSCC have to find £100M savings over the next 3 years, of which 50% will come from Council Tax increases; there is some doubt whether Operation Watershed funds will be available next year; and due to the size of the overall budget cuts at County there is an expectation districts and Parishes must do more for themselves; there is a new Parish-online mapping facility which the Clerk has seen; and the SDNPA consultation document is available online.

6.2 Clappers Lane Parking-nothing new to report, except the road widening initiative is currently on hold.

6.3 Operation Watershed update-the current work is complete, and once Richard Speller has approved the result, the invoice will be paid. Action Derek

Details are available for the next claim to be progressed; the forms are on the website. Action Miles

6.4 Transparency update-the final claim for £425 has been received.

6.5 Annual procedures review-The 10 procedures have been circulated, there are very few amendments; comments to the Clerk by the end of October please. Action All

6.6 Kate Watson-The Chairman thanked Kate for all of her hard work at and on behalf of Fulking Parish Council over many years and wished her well for the future. Clive would also be a loss to the Parish as he always had knowledge of local matters and assisted the debates on many occasions.

The Parish Council were pleased to authorise the cost of a leaving gift.

The resulting Council vacancy will now be advertised with a view to co-opting a replacement Councillor. Action Miles

  1. Financial matters

7.1 The following cheques have been processed since the last PC meeting

DATE Description Cheque No. £
23/07/17 E on direct debit 012901574940A 47.50
13/07/17 D I Blackhall salary/expenses 100705 743.35
13/07/17 HMRC I/tax 100706 157.00
13/07/17 Playsafety Ltd Inspection 100707 100.80
13/07/17 John Hazard Web costs 100708 61.59
21/09/17 Peter Payne NTF repairs 100701 326.40
27/08/17 Mark Stepney grass cutting 100702 360.00
20/07/17 Society of LC Clerks subs 100709 149.00
7/09/17 SSALC training 100710 28.80
12/10/17 Emergency blank cheques for Miles 100714/15/16
Total £1974.44


Date Description Reference Amount £
August 2017 Transparency SSALC 424.92
NB Advance email acceptance must be obtained from the Parish Clerk in all cases before using an emergency cheque in order to ensure full financial compliance whilst ensuring as far as possible suppliers are paid in the month the invoice is received-this meets SSALC best practice advice.

7.2 The current cheque list and stubs, and the quarterly bank reconciliations were approved; and the income and expenditure to date were noted.

7.3 2018/19 Precept. The clerk tabled a paper on the calculations so far which was approved subject

to any required changes emerging prior to the final sign off at the 11th January 2018 meeting

Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Signed…………………………                      Date…………….  Minute 16/2017