In the Village Hall on Friday 13th December 2024.
All welcome from 6:30pm for mulled wine, tombola, mince pies and merriment. Entry free but please bring a dish of savoury finger food for sharing.
In the Village Hall on Friday 13th December 2024.
All welcome from 6:30pm for mulled wine, tombola, mince pies and merriment. Entry free but please bring a dish of savoury finger food for sharing.
The death of John Prescott will matter very differently to many of you. On the one hand a great symbol of the rise of the working class in British politics and on the other as an ignorant, uneducated man. I happen to be in the former category and recall some of his great vociferations in the House of Commons, his dedication to the cause of democracy and being a larger than life figure that now and then appears on the political scene. In a way his death serves as a reminder to us all that however long and important a life may be it is but a brief flutter in the course of time. As I get older, without having achieved the fame of John Prescott, I can look back with great pride at my small involvement with the marvellous village of Fulking and the many friends I have made there.
Call my Bluff evening
Now, having a really successful ‘Call my Bluff’ wine evening was always one of the highlights of the Social Committee’s year but Sally and Jenny, ably assisted by the generosity of Majestic and all the others who put in so much work on the evening raised an incredible £1000+. This will greatly help to cover some of the outgoings that are so necessary to keep the ageing village hall going. Mrs Ormsby-Gore asked me to congratulate Geoff on winning the quiz!
You are cordially invited to an Extraordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council at Fulking Village Hall on Monday 18th November 2024 at 7.30pm.
Mark Hind – Chairman
Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and regarding regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public are advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Fulking Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Fulking Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place.
Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.
24/063/PM. Apologies for Absence.
24/064/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
24/065/PM. Planning matters – SDNP/24/02084/FUL
Proposal: Removal of the existing public grass bank to the front of the property, and formation of new hardstanding/driveway
Location: 13 Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9ND Grid Ref: Eastings: 524922, Northings: 111602
24/066/PM. Planning Appeal – Small Acres
The Budget
Now, depending on your political affiliation, you may have your own thoughts on Rachel Reeves’ Budget.
So far as I am concerned and ignoring everything else the National Health Service must come first. Not only are we all served by a fine and dedicated staff but the degree of care and kindness is quite exceptional. The bonus is that this is the foundation of the welfare state, in many ways the envy of most civilised countries worldwide. Having suffered from lack of proper investment for many years, it will be interesting to see how quickly the waiting lists can be reduced.
Call my Bluff Evening
Sally may still have a few tickets left for the Call my Bluff wine evening on Friday November 8th in the village hall.
In the past we have had some riotous evenings and there is no reason why this one should not be very good fun.
It requires little or no knowledge of wines! Regrettably old age prevents me from attending but Mrs Ormsby-Gore joins me in wishing you all a very good evening.
Fulking Fun Day
What a successful day this should have been. Weather not too bad and input by the Social Committee and other villagers very good indeed. I suppose the highlight has to be the Steel Band with our very own SallyAnne performing with great skill and energy! BUT the attendance was really pretty poor considering the effort that had been generated. It has been a problem for many years and it is hard for me to suggest something that would encourage more villagers to attend. In the past the Fulking Fair managed to attract big numbers probably because it was supported by the RSPCA dog show, advertised to the general public and had car parking in the immediate vicinity. So if these purely village events are to continue some ideas are required to encourage Fulking residents to attend. If you have an idea please contact the Social Committee.
Quotations Group
The Quotations Group was originated by Samantha and is still chaired by her most skilfully. We meet in the village hall every Monday morning to discuss a subject agreed from the previous week. Regular attendance is between seven and ten adults. In an interesting way I like to think we have become good friends and the discussions are very open! Meetings start at 11am and generally last for about an hour and a half. All villagers are welcome.
You are cordially invited to the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council, on Thursday 17th October 2024 at 7.30pm to be held at Fulking Village Hall. The meeting will consider the items set out below.
Trevor Parsons – Parish Clerk
Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and regarding regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public are advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Fulking Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Fulking Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place.
Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.
24/053/OM. – Apologies for Absence.
24/054/OM. – Declaration of Members’ Interests.
24/055/OM. – Approve the Minutes* of the Ordinary Meeting of 11th July 2024 and Planning meeting 12th August 2024 The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting.
24/056/OM. – Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions – To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.
Village signs
TRO Poynings / Edburton Road
RoSPA Playground Inspection
Parish Plan
24/057/OM – Reports from District and County Councillors.
24/058/OM – Village Hall Update
24/059/OM – Ram Pump repairs
24/060/OM. – Fulking Parish Council Budget 2025/2026
24/061/OM. – Reports from Outside Bodies, Information Items & Correspondence
24/062/OM. – Financial Matters: To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure.
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 16th January 2025
Call my Bluff
I understand that the Social Committee will be having a ‘Call my Bluff’ wine evening in November. Having been involved over quite a long time in previous evenings I am delighted that this very social fund-raising event is still going strong. The first time we ever had one was twenty odd years ago and it was hosted by the Wine Rack staff from Henfield. Indeed I still bump in to Jackie who was part of the team that evening in the village hall. Since then we have learnt to put together the requisite pieces to operate with a minimum of outside help. If you enjoy wine and are looking for an amusing evening this is for you and your friends. Details should be circulated shortly.
Village Hall
Doesn’t it seem a long time since we heard anything from the Parish Council about progress, or lack of it, on the potential purchase of the village hall from the Church? Even by the pace at which the Church of England moves surely something must be happening. Parish Council please bring villagers up to date.
You are cordially invited to an Extraordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council at Fulking Village Hall on Monday 12th August 2024 at 8.00pm.
Mark Hind – Chairman
Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and regarding regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public are advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Fulking Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Fulking Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place.
Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.
24/050/PM. Apologies for Absence.
24/051/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
24/052/PM. Planning matters – SDNP/24/02216/FUL
Proposal: Single pitch settled gypsy accommodation site, including siting of mobile home and utility building Location: Small Acres, Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex, BN6 9NH
Grid Ref: Eastings: 525066, Northings: 111695
Next Scheduled Meeting : Ordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 17th October 2024.
FULKING Totebags, Tea towels and Mugs
This seems an opportunity to remind everyone of the very acceptable three items for sale in the accompanying display. All of these are very well made and excellent value. Sarah has quite a few in stock but these will probably be sold quite quickly. I do urge you to take advantage of this chance to put away some family and friends maybe Christmas presents at very reasonable prices. Unfortunately the cost of producing a T shirt with a similar logo is preventing the making these available at an attractive price. If there was sufficient demand it might be worth considering. I would certainly get one!
A thought…
As I get nearer to meeting Don Bradman, my thoughts turn to the great difference ageing can have depending, to a large extent, on how your cards are dealt. On the one hand you may keep your marbles, or most of them, and be restricted physically and on the other suffer from mental deterioration but remain pretty fit. I know friends who fall into either category and, personally, I consider myself lucky to fall into the former group. This is an opinion others may not share!