Bobservation No. 48 – Changing Times

We live in an age where changes are occurring more rapidly than ever before.

Driving into Henfield from Fulking the other day I found myself being disappointed with the number of new fences that have been put up on the roadside of properties as well as a cultivated look to the grass verges. It seems such a short time ago that all along that particular road was wild but tidy vegetation which seemed the natural way and in my opinion the correct one, preserving the country look of the area.

Maybe I am wrong and in general residents prefer a tidier look both to the hedging and the land in front of it. Having been in Fulking for 26 years and having reached an advanced age I am probably guilty of living in the past. I am appalled by Trump, Brexit, Global Warming, Plastic waste and the lack of social cohesion in the world.

Having said that the very good folk who give up their valuable spare time to get involved with the Parish Council, the Parochial Church Council, the Social Committee, the Village Fair, the Village Hall Action Group to mention a few of the ongoing groups are to be greatly appreciated and bring about a very stable base for the village to exist with as many old fashioned values as possible.

Please put these dates in your diaries:

  • Saturday 8th December – Village Christmas party in the village hall 6 till 8pm.
  • Saturday 9th February 2019 – Wine Quiz in the village hall 7 for 7.30pm
  • Sunday 28th July 2019 – Annual Village Fair 12 till 5pm