Most of you will have enjoyed the amenity afforded by the North Town Field at some time or another.
Over the years we have held Fairs, Rounders, Dog shows, Call my Bluff, Barn dancing, a Caribbean event, Live theatre, Yoga etc., and of course there is also the Playground.
The Playground is leased by the Parish Council from the Trustees of the North Town Field.
Whilst the Parish Council are responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the Playground, and indeed an inspection is made by one of them each week for safety reasons, keeping the equipment clean is not part of their responsibility, and nor should it be. Would it be too much to ask the parents of village children who use the Playground to get together a working party to clean the equipment from time to time ?
I like to think that Fulking villagers pride themselves on the community spirit that has been created, most recently with the restoration of the Ladybrook Spring and The Argus award for Fulking Fair, the community event of the year in Sussex. It would be good to add the Playground cleanup to these.