Bobservation No. 12

The Dyke from Newtimber Hill

Newtimber Hill

Owned by the National Trust, Newtimber Hill is a delight for walkers at all times of the year. Access is from a number of points, the best known, and most accessible, is from the farm at Saddlescombe.

Over the year it is possible to see many varieties of wild flowers including bluebell, pyramid spotted and bee orchid, campion, hare bell, thyme and cowslip. The fauna includes roe deer, badger, fox, rabbit, weasel and stoat. Birdlife is abundant, the more interesting include buzzard, red kite, kestrel, swallow, house martin, yellowhammer, wryneck, spotted flycatcher, linnet, skylark, meadow pipit and redstart. Butterflies, including several different blues are often present.

Cattle graze here at certain times of year and walking a dog requires strict observance of the regulations, however, when there are no cattle it is a great joy to see a dog running free across the Downland. The views across the South Downs looking west towards Chanctonbury are some of the finest in Sussex. At times, cloud will envelope the top of the Downs giving a ‘tablecloth’ effect and if you are lucky enough to be walking above the cloud, it is a memorable sight.

How fortunate we residents of Fulking parish are to have such a treasure so near our village. At the end of your walk the ‘Hikers Rest’ offers very acceptable food, drinks and ice cream.

The National Trust do a splendid job maintaining this gem and it is up to us to respect and cherish it. One piece of advice, if your dog poops on the hill, either put  it in a polybag or leave it to be disbursed by the rain, never leave the polybag on the hill, take it home with you.

South Downs Songs

South Downs Songs Chris Hare Newtimber
St. John the Evangelist Church, Newtimber, will be hosting a concert on Saturday October 17th at 7:00pm entitled Traditional Songs of the Sussex Downs and Coast by Chris Hare and his group of singers. The cost of tickets will be £10 for adults and £5 for children under 18 — this includes a drink during the interval. Tickets can be obtained from:

Shirley Murrell at 01273 857353,
Lucy Dalrymple 01273 832009, for credit card payments
Gill Keith 01273 835013,

Make cheques payable to to ‘Newtimber Church PCC’.

Concert with string ensemble and strawberry tea

Newtimber harp strawberry tea
On Sunday July 5th in Newtimber Place gardens in aid of the church at Newtimber. Tickets from Shirley Murrell (, 01273-858353) or Lucy Dalrymple (, 01273-831877).

The Midsummer String Octet will be giving a concert at Newtimber Church on Sunday July 5th 2015 at 2:30pm. The professional musicians will perform a classical music programme, lasting one and a half hours with a short interval. We will then walk or take our cars to Newtimber Place for a strawberry teas and punch. We will enjoy the lovely gardens and moat, finishing about 5:30pm.

Tickets at £20 for adults, £10 for children will include refreshments, and are available from Shirley Murrell 01273 857353 or, with a cheque and s.a.e. to Rectory Cottage, Church Lane, Newtimber, Hassocks, BN6 9BT, and Lucy Dalrymple 01273 832009 or for credit card payment, and Gill Keith Tel. 01273 835013 or Cheques to be made out to “Newtimber PCC” please.

There will be free parking in an adjacent field at both venues, and please bring your own folding chairs or blankets for the garden. There will probably be some seats available for those who arrive on the day.

Newtimber Place Gardens

Newtimber Place NGS
The gardens at Newtimber Place will be open as part of the NGS (National Gardens Scheme) on Sunday 19th April between 2pm and 5.30pm. The gardens are lovely at this time of year with stunning daffodils and beautiful fritillaries. Beautiful Grade I listed C16/C17 moated house (not open). Gardens and woods full of bulbs and wild flowers in spring. Herbaceous border and lawns. Moat flanked by water plants. Mature trees. Wild garden, ducks, chickens and fish. Tea and home made cakesin aid of the church. There are ducks, chickens and guinea fowl wandering around so dogs need to be kept on a lead. Admission £4.00, children free.

Cosi fan tutte

Cosi fan tutte at Newtimber Place
A talk with musical illustrations by retired Glyndebourne Principal Coach Jonathan Hinden. At Newtimber Place on Saturday 1st November at 7:00pm. Tickets £15 in aid of Newtimber Church, to include a glass of wine and refreshments in the interval. Cheques, made payable to “Newtimber PCC”, to Shirley Murrell ( 01273 857353) or Lucy Dalrymple ( 01273 832009).

Newtimber Place Gardens

Newtimber Place
The gardens at Newtimber Place will be open on Sunday 10th August between 2:00pm and 5:00pm. Beautiful Grade I listed C16/C17 moated house (not open). Herbaceous border and lawns. Moat flanked by water plants. Mature trees. Wild garden, ducks, chickens and fish. Tea and home made cakes. Dogs need to be kept on a lead. Admission £3.00, children free, in aid of St Peter & St James Hospice.