Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Fulking Parish Council held on 6th July 2023 (Draft)

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 6th July 2023 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.


Chairman: Cllr Mark Hind

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllrs Karen Healy and Tom Kardos

Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Cllr Geoff Zeidler

There were three members of the public present and the meeting started at 7.45pm.

23/047/OM. Apologies for Absence.

Cllr Lucy Mehta (FPC) and Cllr Joy Dennis (West Sussex County Council)

23/048/OM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.

There were no interests declared.

23/049/OM. Councillors Statement.

Cllr Healy spoke to acknowledge on behalf of the Council, Clerk and villagers how pleased we are to see Cllr Mark Hind this evening despite the terribly sad loss of his lovely wife Anne. The sheer level of messages of condolences, offers of help and support illustrate how fond everyone was of Anne, how liked and respected she was and how much she will be missed. The outpouring from the community is also indicative of how well liked and respected Mark is and how much everyone appreciates all that he does for the community.

We are all very lucky to live in such a supportive community at times of adversity, we saw this during covid as well. We hope that time will heal Mark and that he will continue to feel supported by the village community.

23/050/OM. Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 16th March 2023 and Planning Meetings of 23rd March and 3rd April 2023.

The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting and Planning Meetings were approved unanimously by Councillors and duly signed by the Chairman.

23/051/OM. Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.

No matter arising as separate agenda items have been created where necessary.

23/052/OM. Reports from District and County Councillors.

Cllr Zeidler (MSDC) reported:-

1) The Boundary Commission report has now been adopted and the Downland Villages Ward will now be in a new “Mid Sussex” parliamentary constituency with revised boundaries comprising Haywards Heath; Burgess Hill; Hurstpierpoint & Hassocks.

2) The new Council has had its first Planning & Cabinet meetings which are progressing collaboratively. There has been regular Councillor training on a range of subjects including Planning and s106 funding. From this it is clear that, other than health & safety concerns, Planning regulations provide no basis for refusal of an application due to the transitional impact on residents during development. The only protection is through the Planning Conditions which I have requested are reviewed to ensure they are more actively enforced.

3) The Scrutiny Committee has confirmed the District Plan as a key focus and agreed to establish a Working Group of 6 Councillors to work closely with officers reviewing the development of the Reg19 Plan. This is proposed to come to Scrutiny on 18th October; and Officers confirmed their commitment to meet Parishes during its development. A key test for the Council will be the Croudace Appeal on 15th August which will test whether the current plan is still valid.

4) The budget for the Council was adopted unanimously before the election and so the services plans outlined in the budget are expected to be progressed.

5) I have not heard whether the actions following the meeting with Southern Water have been completed; but will follow up. It is proposed that the Scrutiny Committee request UKPN attend to explain how they intend to provide and improve services to existing and new residents as part of its work program.

6) Almost all the Parishes are seeking TROs or other approaches to mitigate speeding on dangerous roads with construction traffic a particular concern. I have met with Cllr Dennis of WSCC and agreed an approach to a number of situations which we will discuss at the relevant PCC. I have asked how MSDC can provide advice or assistance to residents when flytipping arises on private land adjacent to the highway.

7) Fulking – The date for appeal in relation to un-approved development at the Small Acres site is not yet set. The PC is also seeking funding to renew playground equipment.

Cllr Zeidler Reported on behalf of WSCC

There are concerns at county level regarding the low levels of immunisations in schools which could cause problems in the future. There is a promotion in local libraries to challenge children to read six books during the six which summer holiday period.

23/053/PM. Planning Application SDNP/23/02336/LIS

Location: Customary Cottage The Street Fulking West Sussex BN5 9LU

Proposal: General conservation and repair works. Structural repairs to gable end. External and internal alterations including replacement of modern fenestration, lowering of ground floor level and cleaning of historic timbers and masonry. Minor landscape works

Councillors reviewed the application and it was noted:

Councillors welcomed all the proposals to the benefit of the house, comprising of comprehensive repairs and reinstatement. Unanimously Approved.

23/054/PM. Planning Application SDNP/23/02531/LIS

Location: Customary Cottage The Street Fulking West Sussex BN5 9LU

Proposal: Conversion of attic space including enlargement of existing hatch, insertion of timber ladder and reinforcing platform

The application was reviewed by Councillors who look forward to reading the planning officers decision. No Objection raised.

23/055/OM New Councillor Co-option

Linda Comber has lived in Fulking village for many years and has put herself forward for co-option as a Councillor for the Parish.

Linda is known to other councillors and the meeting unanimously approved her co-option.

23/056/OM. Playground Update

Cllr Hind reported that the metalwork has been satisfactorily repaired by CP Restorations and the remaining repairs will be completed by Toby English in the next couple of weeks before the RoSPA inspection is undertaken.

23/057/OM. Village sign

The village sign has been down for 12 months and the contractor has not fulfilled the repair. Cllr Kardos will approach his contact to see if they can undertake the reinstallation. Cllr Hind will approach Jen Green to see if the signage can be restored.

23/058/OM. Information Items. To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings.


23/059/OM. Correspondence. To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received.


23/060/OM. Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure.

The Clerk reported that the current account balance in Barclays Bank was £6,920.39 with £13,576.38 held in the deposit account.

23/061/OM. To set a date for the next Ordinary Meeting for Thursday 12th October 2023.

Meeting closed 9:05pm

Planning Meeting – Land North of The Dean, Poynings Road, Fulking

You are cordially invited to an Extraordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council, on Wednesday 26th July 2023 at 7.00pm via Microsoft Teams where the meeting will consider the items set out below. The public is invited to this meeting so please contact Trevor Parsons – Parish Clerk on 07767 422733 or at parishclerk@fulking.net if you would like to join this meeting.

Mark Hind – Chairman

Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and regarding regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public are advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Fulking Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Fulking Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place.


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.

23/062/PM. Apologies for Absence.

23/063/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.

23/064/PM. Planning matters – SDNP/23/02588/FUL

Location: Land North of The Dean Poynings Road Fulking West Sussex

Proposal: To change the use of land from agriculture to private equestrian, including construction a single a stable block comprising 3 stables, hay store, feed store and tack room with an adjacent manure bay.

Date of next Ordinary Meeting to be Thursday 12th October 2023.

Bobservation No. 106: Anne Hind RIP

Anne Hind
Sadly there is another village death to report, adding to the other villagers who have passed away during the last twelve months. Anne Hind, such an attractive and charming lady, was taken by emergency to hospital but it was not possible to save her. She was of no great age and the shock to her husband Mark must have been quite horrific. I am sure everyone one who knew her was greatly saddened by her passing.

Fulking Fair
The annual fair on Sunday 16 July from midday till 5pm is being driven along by the Chair of the Social Committee, Sally Brownie, and given decent weather will be a tremendous local attraction. Centre stage will be RSPCA fun dog show and support will come from some interesting live music with Henfield Ukulele band, the Steel tribe band, Tenderhooks and The Pycombe PV choir, many entertaining stalls selling teas and homemade cakes, plants, flowers, jewellery, canine treats accessories and training, many children’s games and interests, Tug of War, a large array of food stalls including the Shepherd & Dog bar and BBQ, Indian Home cooking, crepes, pizzas, hot dogs, Ice cream, Fudge, pies, bakeries. In addition to all this a mammoth bottle Tombola. The new location at Long Clays on the Edburton road with adjacent parking will save visitors the walk from one end of the village to the fairground. There will be demonstrations and displays by Sustainable Henfield 2030, Henfield Spinners & weavers, Tottington Woodlanders, HART, hedgelaying, Woodland Trust, Sussex Wildlife Trust and more.

Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th July 2023

You are cordially invited to the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council on Thursday 6th July 2023 at 7.30pm, to be held at the Village Hall. The meeting will consider the items set out below. 

Trevor Parsons – Parish Clerk  


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.  

23/047/OM.            Apologies for Absence. 

23/048/OM.            Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

23/049/OM.            Councillors Statement. 

23/050/OM.            Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 16th March 2023 and Planning Meetings of 23rd March and 3rd April 2023.  

23/051/OM.            Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.   

23/052/OM.            Reports from District and County Councillors.   

23/053/PM.            Planning Application SDNP/23/02336/LIS  

Location: Customary Cottage The Street Fulking West Sussex BN5 9LU  

Proposal: General conservation and repair works. Structural repairs to gable end. External and internal alterations including replacement of modern fenestration, lowering of ground floor level and cleaning of historic timbers and masonry. Minor landscape works 

23/054/PM.              Planning Application SDNP/23/02531/LIS 

Location: Customary Cottage The Street Fulking West Sussex BN5 9LU  

Proposal: Conversion of attic space including enlargement of existing hatch, insertion of timber ladder and reinforcing platform 

23/055/OM            New Councillor Co-option 

23/056/OM.            Playground Update 

23/057/OM.             Village sign 

23/058/OM.             Information Items.  To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings. 

23/059/OM.              Correspondence.  To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received. 

23/060/OM.              Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure. 

23/061/OM.               To set a date for the next Ordinary Meeting in October 2023. 

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Thursday 16th March 2023 (draft)

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 16th March 2023 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.  


Chairman: Cllr Mark Hind 

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllrs Karen Healy and Tom Kardos 

Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Cllrs Alison Bennett and Colin Trumble 

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Cllr Joy Dennis 

There were three members of the public present and the meeting started at 7.45pm. 

23/018/OM.            Apologies for Absence. 

Apologies were received from Cllrs Linda Dyos and Cllr Lucy Mehta (FPC) and Cllr Rodney Jackson (MSDC). 

23/019/OM.            Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

There were no members interest declared prior to the meeting. 

23/020/OM.            Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 12th January 2023 and Planning Meeting on 2nd February 2023. 

The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting. 

The minutes of the meetings were approved by all councillors as a true record and signed by the Chairman.  

23/021/OM.            Reports from District and County Councillors.   

Cllr Bennett (MSDC) reported 

  •  that MSDC precept has increased by 2.7%. 
  • that she has requested that the resilience forum look at the rising number of power outages occurring across Mid Sussex. Cllr Hind confirmed that there are power cuts monthly in Fulking. This leaves mobile phones without signal and therefore unable to contact the emergency services. Cllr Trumble recommended keeping a diary of power cuts in the village. 
  • Our MSDC Councillors are not standing for the new Downland Villages Ward at the elections in May 2023 and therefore a new District Councillor will be elected. Cllr Trumble is not seeking re-election to MSDC. 

Cllr Hind thanked Cllr Bennett and Cllr Trumble for all the support they had provided to Fulking Parish Council and its residents and wished them well for the future. 

Cllr Joy Dennis (WSCC) reported: 

  • Construction of the new school in Burgess Hill has commenced at a cost of £50m and is expected to be finished in 18 months. Birth rates across Mid Sussex has dropped therefore there is less pressure on school places. 
  • Powers from Dept for Transport have been granted to charge utility companies for digging up the roads. This has resulted in roadworks being completed quicker with road closed for less time. The revenue generated from the charges will be used to employ compliance / enforcement officers to monitor the quality of the repairs. 
  • Parish Councils may now formally request a Community Traffic Regulation Order to apply to make changes to speed limits within the parish. 
  • WSCC has increased its core Highways budget by 25% plus an extra £4.5m from govt for repairs. 
  • The WSCC Jet-Patcher pothole repairer will be deployed to when the weather improves.   

23/022/OM.            Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.   

Fulking Parish Council commissioned planning specialists Triptych PD to prepare an appeal document on behalf of the Parish Council in relation to the Small Acres appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Triptych PD submitted the document directly and the receipt by the Inspectorate was received.  Andrew Griffith MP has also written to the Inspectorate supporting the Parish Council position.  

23/023/OM.              Council Elections   

Cllrs Mark Hind, Karen Healy, Lucy Mehta & Tom Kardos have agreed to stand again as Fulking Parish Councillors. After serving two terms as councillor, Cllr Linda Dyos has decided not to seek re-election. 

23/024/OM.              Reports from Outside Bodies & Correspondence 


23/025/OM.             Information Items.  To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings. 


23/026/OM.           Playground Update 

The clerk advised the meeting that we are still waiting for the quote for the playground repairs from Toby English. 

23/027/OM.            WSCC Watershed & Drainage update 

Cllr Trumble recommended that a meeting between Fulking Parish Council, MSDC, SDNPA Planning, Environmental Health and the new District Councillor to review the flooding and drainage situation in the village. 

23/028/OM.            Clerk Pay Review.    

Following a recent review of the Clerk’s pay, councillors agreed unanimously to increase the pay scale from SCP20 to SCP30 from 1st April 2023. This will increase the hourly rate to £18.86 for the six hours per week employed. This amount will increase in line with the annual NALC pay review. 

23/029/OM.             Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure. 

The current cashbook of income and expenditure was sent to Councillors prior to the meeting confirming a balance of £4,923.68 was held in the current account. This is after the VAT reclaim had been received and payment to the planning advisor, clerks pay and other bills were paid.  £12,184.07 held on instant access deposit. 

Date of the Annual Meeting is Thursday 18th May 2023.  

Next Ordinary Meeting provisionally scheduled for Thursday 6th July 2023.   


The meeting closed at 9.35pm. 


Minutes of Planning Meeting 5th October 2022

Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting Fulking Parish Council held Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 6.30 pm held at Fulking Village Hall. 


Chairman:                                           Cllr Mark Hind 

Fulking Parish Council (FPC):           Cllrs Linda Dyos, Karen Healy, Lucy Mehta & Tom Kardos 

Parish Clerk                      Trevor Parsons 

There were seven members of the public present. 

The meeting opened at 6.30pm with the Chairman opening the meeting to the floor for comments. 

22/058/PM. Apologies for absence 

No apologies as all councillors were present 

22/059/PM. Declaration of Members Interest 

None declared. 

22/060/PM.          Planning matters – SDNP/22/04317/FUL 

Location: Small Acre Clappers Lane Fulking West Sussex  

Proposal: Change of use of land to provide two pitch settled gypsy accommodation site, including erection of utility building 

Fulking Parish Council consultee comments:  

Small Acre – SDNP/22/04317/FUL 

Members of the public were invited to a Planning Meeting held in Fulking Village Hall on 5th October. At this meeting Fulking Parish Council (FPC) was made aware that a significant number of residents would not be objecting to this application due to their fear of reprisals. South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) needs to be aware the number of written objections it will receive does not represent the full level of community objection to this application. 

FPC is also extremely concerned that, as this is retrospective application, a significant amount of unapproved development has already been completed, harming the South Downs National Park. It would also point out that the statement that John and Savanna Hearn have nowhere else to live is not true as they have a gypsy plot on the adjoining Market Gardens site. (Please see note at the bottom of page 2) and the claim that there is no planning history relating to this site is not true either. 

There is a long history of planning applications going back to at least 1952. A High Court Injunction (HQ 101289) was granted on 20th July 2001 to Mid Sussex District Council “to prevent the use of the land in question for the stationing of vehicles, mobile homes and caravans”. Since that time the land has come under the planning control of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) so it now has the highest level of development protection available in the UK. 

On 30th August 2022 a SDNPA enforcement officer visited the site and confirmed that around 950 square meters of chalk had been imported to create hard standing. This section of Clappers Lane is prone to flooding and FPC has received grants from West Sussex County Council to help alleviate the problem. The conversion of grassland to hardstanding has therefore increased the risk of flooding to properties in the vicinity.  

Electricity connections and waste water pipes/ditches have been installed/dug out without any form of oversight or approval creating an environmental, health and safety hazard to both the occupants of the mobile homes and local residents. UK Power Networks, The Environment Agency and Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) need to be urgently involved to check the environmental, health and safety implications of this unauthorised development. (Please see Southern Water consultee comments) 

In addition to the potential harm caused to the applicants and local residents there is confirmed presence of great crested newts in the area, which are protected by UK and EU legislation. It would appear that there has been a breach of this legislation which covers the destruction of terrestrial habitat, disturbance and accidental killing/injury of individuals. (Please see HSS Ecology consultee comments).  

Unfortunately, the installation of several high intensity LED floodlights around the site, which are now on from dusk to dawn, will also disturb the local bat and owl population, species also protected by legislation. These lights are also in breach of the SDNPA Dark Skies policy and disruptive to neighbours. 

Although the mobile homes and caravans are not easily seen from Fulking, they are conspicuous when viewed from Fulking Escarpment and The South Downs Way. No amount of additional hedging around the site will hide the visual harm that has been created due to the height of the escarpment when viewing the site. 

In the Planning Inspector’s decision (Ref: APP/Y9507/C/15/3062034) dated 22nd February 2016 relating to Conifers, the adjoining gypsy site, Simon Hand said (Para 21) “In my view three gypsy plots comes close to but does not dominate the settled community, and that argument becomes stronger with further applications as would the issue of the impact of any more development on the village and on the National Park.” 

It would appear that The Planning Inspectorate now seems to care little about this issue or indeed protecting the natural beauty of the National Park as since then a further three gypsy plots have been approved in Fulking, bringing the total to six. (Four in Market Gardens and two in Conifers). Approval of this application would increase the number of gypsy plots to eight, almost three times higher than what Simon Hand considered was “close to dominating the settled community”.  

The Planning Inspectorate has in previous decisions relating to the adjoining gypsy plots decided that the interests of the applicants outweigh the harm to the National Park and the local settled community. It is the view of FPC that these decisions have encouraged the applicants to undertake this development and seek retrospective approval.  

The gypsy plots approved in Fulking to date have followed a pattern of unauthorised development followed by a planning application to avoid enforcement action and then finally approval. Should this application be approved FPC is of the opinion that further retrospective applications for gypsy plots will be forthcoming. 

The application states that Small Acre is occupied by “two traveller families 

Mobile Home 1 – is occupied by Russell Owen and his partner Teresa Lane 

Mobile Home 2- is occupied by John Hearn and his wife Savanna (nee Sheen). They have 2 children a boy and girl at 2 and 3 years old.” 

The application also states that the applicants have nowhere else to live. This claim is not true as John Hearne and his wife Savana were granted permission by SDNPA on 19 February 2018 to occupy a gypsy plot on the adjoining Market Garden site. Please see SDNP/17/03762/CND and note below. 

As a matter of public record the Land Registry Title number: WSX187103 dated 6th April 2022 shows the owners of the land are: John Hearne – 39 Owlsmoor Road, Owlsmoor, Sandhurst GU47 0SN and Russell Owen – 14 Parsonage Road, Welham Green, North Mymms, Hatfield AL9 7LZ. The claim that Russell Owen and his partner have nowhere else to live may not be true either. 

In any case SDNPA and MSDC earlier this year conducted a new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments (GTAA) to meet their legal requirements and no additional need has been identified.  

After considering all the details all five FPC Councillors voted unanimously to object to approval of this application. In addition, seven members of the public who attended the meeting also showed their objection by a show of hands.  


“SDNP/17/03762/CND | Variation of condition 2 on planning consent SDNP/15/04159/FUL – To increase the number of caravans to 2 mobile homes and 2 touring caravans and ancillary dayroom. Market Gardens Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH –  

The occupation of the site hereby permitted shall be carried on only by the following: Mr John Hearne and Mrs Georgina Hearne; Mr John Hearne (son) and Savana Hearne; and resident dependants only”                                                                                                                                                                                            

22/061/PM.    Planning Matters – SDNP/22/04214/FUL 

Location: Perching Parva Farm Holmbush Lane Woodmancote Henfield West Sussex BN5 9TL  

Proposal: Demolition of existing commercial building and the erection of a replacement building. 

Fulking Parish Council consultee comments: 

No objections to the application 

Meeting closed 8.40pm 

Minutes of Planning Meeting 12th May 2022

Minutes of the Planning Meeting, Annual Meeting of the Council and Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday 12th May 2022 at 6.15 pm at Fulking Village Hall. 


Chairman:                                       Cllr Mark Hind
Fulking Parish Council (FPC):       Cllrs Linda Dyos, Karen Healy, Tom Kardos and Lucy Mehta 

Mid Sussex District Council: Cllrs Alison Bennett and Rodney Jackson 

West Sussex County Council: Cllr Joy Dennis
Parish Clerk:                                    Trevor Parsons 

There was one member of the public present who were offered an opportunity to speak.  

The meeting opened at 6.20pm. 

Agenda: Extraordinary Meeting – Planning 

22/036/OM.  Apologies for Absence.        None 

22/037/OM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.      None 

22/038/PM. Planning Application SDNP/22/01880/HOUS. 

Location: Four Acres Poynings Road Fulking West Sussex BN5 9NB  

Proposal: Extension to existing annexe to create pool and pool enclosure 

The views of all Councillors were heard, Cllr Kardos commented that the application proposed was a great improvement on the original pre-application. The new pool and pool enclosure will not be visible from the road. 

Councillors had no objection to the proposal and the Extraordinary Meeting closed at 6.50pm

Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 18th May 2023 – 7.30pm

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 18th May at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.

Agenda: Annual Meeting of Council 

23/038/AMC Chairman’s Welcome followed by Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman 

Agenda: Annual Parish Meeting 

23/039/APM Apologies for Absence 

23/040/APM Approval of previous years’ minutes Annual Parish Meeting 12th May 2022 

23/041/APM   Chairman’s report 

23/042/APM    Reports from District & County Councillors 

23/043/APM    Questions to Matthew Thompson Communities Lead – Fulking Water Treatment Works 

23/044/APM.   To consider and agree the Internal Audit Report Letter dated 20/04/2022. 

23/045/APM.   To consider and agree the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31 March 2022 ensuring it accurately presents the financial management of the Council as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. 

23/046/APM.   Date of next Ordinary Meeting Thursday 6th July 2023. 

Bobservation No. 104: No Election, No Mow

image of un=mown lawn
No Mow May
On Monday 1 May ‘No Mow May’ will commence. This wonderful idea created by ‘Plantlife’ seeks to get us all through the month of May without mowing our grass. Of course, unless you are rewilding 100%, it is allowable to create mowed paths which will enable Robins and Blackbirds to source insects. Otherwise it will free the wildflowers so they can grow wild, provide a feast for pollinators and lock away atmospheric carbon below ground. Now this all sounds very easy but most British gardeners have been brought up with a ‘cricket pitch’ mentality, this encourages large swathes of beautifully geometrically mown green lawn to delight the eye; you must resist this archaic attitude and think of saving the planet from climate change. Beware of marriage destroying arguments! And remember there are no weeds only wildflowers growing in the wrong place!

Parish Council Elections
So it turns out that there is such a lack of interest in standing for election to the Parish Council in Fulking that there was no need to hold an election at all! I believe this means that Fulking continues to have a Parish Council of five unelected members and as vacancies occur villagers will be co-opted by invitation from the currently unelected but co-opted members. I think it is a great disappointment that current villagers are missing the chance to exercise their right to choose who they wish to represent them at the base of the whole democratic process. Of course, ideally, what should happen is that the whole Parish council should have to be re-elected individually at the end of each four year term, but alas such is not the case. I hasten to say this is in no way a criticism of the existing Parish Council.

Agenda Planning Meeting 3rd April 2023

You are cordially invited to an Extraordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council, on Monday 3rd April 2023 at 7.00pm via Microsoft Teams where the meeting will consider the items set out below. The public is invited to this meeting so please contact Trevor Parsons – Parish Clerk on 07767 422733 or at parishclerk@fulking.net if you would like to join this meeting.  

Mark Hind – Chairman  

Following the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and regarding regulations on Access to Local Government Meetings, members of the public are advised that they have a right to film/record the meetings of Fulking Parish Council. Members of the public are also advised that by attending a meeting of Fulking Parish Council, they give their consent to being filmed/recorded by other members of the public, if such activity is taking place. 


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.  

23/034/PM.          Apologies for Absence.  

23/035/PM.          Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

23/036/PM.          Planning matters- SDNP/23/00661/HOUS

Location: Coombes The Street Fulking Henfield West Sussex BN5 9LX
Proposal: Single and two storey extension (demolish existing extension)

23/037/PM.        Community TRO. 


Date of APM & AGM to be Thursday 18th May 2023