Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30 pm on 13th July 2017 at the Village Hall, Fulking
Present: Chairman Miles Firth, Councillors Kate Watson and Linda Dyos, Clerk to the Council Derek Blackhall, MSD Councillor Colin Trumble, WSC Councillor Joy Dennis, and 4 members of the public.
The Chairman welcomed everyone.
Apologies: Michael Trist, Mark Hind, and Anthony Watts Williams.
Please will all Councillors or district/county council representatives ensure that they notify the Clerk of any possible non-attendance, ideally 24hrs before the meeting.
Declarations of Interest: None.
- The minutes of the previous meetings held on 6th March, 11th & 13th April, and 11th & 18th May, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman.
2. Matters Arising:
2.1 Clappers Lane Unsuitable for HRVs sign-Richard Speller has estimated the cost of a replacement sign to be £250, but that WSCC will not fund it. The Parish Council approved the funding.
2.2 Ladybrook Spring maintenance update-to be discussed at the meeting after next. Action: Michael
2.3 Drainage along Edburton Road-dropped from the agenda.
2.8 Proposed parking measures West of Lady Brook Spring-Joy will contact Derek to arrange a visit and discuss the benefits arising and regarding possible ‘personally approved funding’. Action: Joy Dennis
2.9 Hillside bridle path drainage-The contractor is not planning to do anything; Miles has told him this is a real issue.
2.10 Flooding on Poynings Road & ‘the Deans’-dropped from the agenda.
2.11 Preston Nomads entrance-Linda reported she had been informed there were no funds available this year.
3. Highways
As usual, any problems/blockages must be reported to
http://love.westsussex.gov.uk/Reports or 01243 642105. Please pass info to the PC for its records.
The Parish Council must be informed of highways/flooding issues for them to follow up; please send incident numbers to the Parish Clerk. Richard Speller has an interest here.
4. Reports from WSCC & MSDC.
4.1 In MSDC, the District Plan has not yet been signed off by the inspector; the SDNPA believe their plan could be adopted by July 2018; our District Councillors remain available to discuss infrastructure issues which would of necessity need to include project plans; there are no ‘Grenfell’ type issues in Mid (or West) Sussex-the NHS are responsible for checking their buildings; there is to be a play spaces/green spaces asset management task undertaken. Colin agreed to supply Derek with a list of all MSDC traveller sites. Action Colin.
4.2 WSCC-Joy reported there is a new road level speed indicator available, should the Parish wish to use it; and that she is on several County committees.
5. Comments from the floor:
In response to a query regarding the situation of the MSDC Plan being ahead of the SDNPA Plan; it was noted FPC come under the SDNPA arrangement
6. Clappers Lane.
It was noted there had been a separate residents meeting, 40 attended, and the minutes had been circulated to all residents. It was agreed to consider options at the forthcoming meeting with Joy. Whilst there were several suggestions for arrangements, it was noted private resident’s agreements were paramount.
7. Other matters.
7.1 Operation Watershed-it was noted Edburtons had not yet set a start date for the work. Derek to chase.
7.2 Transparency-A bid for funds has been sent.
7.3 Annual procedures review-Derek will circulate each procedure for update and approval at the next meeting; it was noted there is likely to be very few amendments from last year. Action Derek
7.4 NTF insurance-It was noted there was a separate policy taken out for the fair; and that Derek would find out if our policy covered the event going forward. Action Derek
7.5 Playground inspection/maintenance-It was noted the ROSPA report was very positive-Derek to circulate to all Councillors; and that necessary maintenance had been carried out and paid for by FPC. There is a possible issue with the playground seats-Kate will investigate.
7.6 The Clerk’s proposed 2018 meeting dates were approved as 11th January, 12th April, 12th July, 11th October, AGM 3rd May.
8. Financial matters
The following cheques have been processed since the last PC meeting
NB Advance email acceptance must be obtained from the Parish Clerk in all cases before using an emergency cheque in order to ensure full financial compliance whilst ensuring as far as possible suppliers are paid in the month the invoice is received-this meets SSALC best practice advice.
strong>meeting closed at 8.26pm.</strong