Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting
Held in the Village Hall, Fulking
on Thursday 20th July 2017 at 6.30pm
Present: Miles Firth (Chairman), Councillors Kate Watson, Mark Hind, Linda Dyos and Clerk to the Council, Derek Blackhall
10 members of the public were present
Apologies for Absence: Michael Trist
Declarations of interest: None
Meeting opened at 6.30 pm
Prior to the meeting, there were two requests by members of the public to speak.
The following matters were discussed:-
SDNP/17/03246/HOUS The Cabbage Patch Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
This was regarded as a significant development, not highly visible; and the plot supports the plan; it was not regarded as an exciting area development; the plan seemed slightly misleading, and whilst it represented yet another larger property request in the Parish, there did not appear to be any planning issues, and the proposal appeared suitable for its purpose.
The resulting vote was an overall NEUTRAL.
SDNP/17/02025/FUL The Dales Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB
It was noted that this resubmission showed no changes in the elevation, no longer included the sweeping drive, and the materials now appeared more sympathetic to the area. The remaining objections surrounded the general style of the overall proposal not being in keeping with the other Parish buildings, its prominence in terms of tree cover and Dark Skies, and it is still visible from the road.
The resulting vote was 1 NEUTRAL and 3 OBJECTIONS.
SDNP/17/01505/HOUS Hillbrook Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
It was noted from this resubmission that the previous objections in respect of the building materials, appearance of being rushed, and the design standard no longer applied due to the evident improvements in this submission; that were a lot of objections on the SDNPA website; and that a balance needs to be struck between the existing site and this proposal; but the following issues noted by the Parish Council previously still apply:
- The site’s visibility from the South Downs and Clappers Lane
- Not in keeping with local housing – no other chalet style properties in Fulking
- Acknowledged that while the site would not be over developed; and some site improvement is still needed if approved (e.g. garages).
- These issues (and others previously raised by resents) conflict with the Mid Sussex and SDNP Local Plans in respect of maintenance of views / landscape appearance.
The resulting vote was 1 SUPPORT, 2 NEUTRAL, and 1 OBJECTION.
The meeting closed at 7.12pm