Parish Council Meeting – 12th Oct 2017, 7:30pm – Village Hall

Fulking Parish Council will hold their Quarterly Meeting on 12th October 2017 at 7.30pm at The Village Hall


Public Participation There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion. Once the meeting is in session there will be no further public participation.

1. Chairman’s Welcome.
2. Apologies.
3. Declarations of Interest.
4. Approval of minutes of 13th July, 20th July, and 7th September, 2017
5. Reports from MSDC Councillors & WSCC Councillor Joy Dennis
6. Planning Applications

6.1 SDNP/17/04233/CND Hillside Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB
Variation of Condition 8 on planning consent SDNP/16/01987/FUL – External lighting is necessary to ensure safe way finding around the site at night. This is proposed with low level lighting that has been specified to avoid light pollution

6.2 SDNP/17/04811/HOUS The Cabbage Patch Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
Conversion of existing garage into annex.

Matters arising from the above minutes not on the agenda:
Ladybrook Spring maintenance update-Michael; HGV sign update-Miles; Proposed parking measures West of Lady Brook Spring update-Mark

7.  Feedback from SALC conference-Miles
8.  Clappers Lane Update-Miles/Linda
9.  Operation Watershed update-Kate
10. Transparency update-Derek
11. Annual review of 10 procedures-Derek
12. Financial Matters (including Cheque List & Stubbs, Income & Expenditure to date,
Budget v’s actual, quarterly bank reconciliation, draft 2018/19 Precept discussion.
13. Date of next meeting: 11th January, 2018.

Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend.