Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting
Held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 7th September 2017 at 6.30pm
Present: Miles Firth (Chairman), Councillors Michael Trist, Kate Watson, Linda Dyos and Clerk to the Council, Derek Blackhall
8 members of the public were present
Apologies for Absence: Mark Hind.
Declarations of interest: Miles Firth declared an interest in the Barn Cottage application as a near neighbor who had been separately approached to comment; he accordingly took no part in the debate or vote
Meeting opened at 6.30 pm
Prior to the meeting, there were no requests by members of the public to speak.
The following matters were discussed:-
1. Reference: SDNP/17/04088/HOUS
Address: Barn Cottage Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB
Proposal: Extension to and re-modelling of existing house
It was noted that:
- the proposal would result in a very much bigger building than at present; and can be seen from the South Downs
- it reaches 3 of the borders and is overbearing
- it proposes a lot more glass with Dark Skies implications
- it affects the privacy of neighbours (who also object to this proposal)
- it appears to violate planning policy in respect of the percentage increase in size
- it is not a subtle development.
The resulting vote was to OBJECT to this application.
2. Address: Market Gardens Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
Variation of condition 2 on planning consent SDNP/15/04159/FUL – To increase the number of caravans to 2 mobile homes and 2 touring caravans and ancillary dayroom.
- It was noted that:
- The appeal in respect of the previous application was upheld for single status only
- The Inspectors Appeal Decision (12 Jan 2016) on Conifers recommended that there should be no further Gypsy & Traveller development in the area
- The Council have relied in the past on a criteria based gypsy policy and have not sought to identify specific sites. They have a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) from 2013, which concluded that in the next 20 years there was a need for only one pitch in the area of Mid Sussex DC that was overlapped by the National Park. When permission was granted for the Market Garden site that requirement was fulfilled.
- the utility block in the previous application has never been built, and yet this appears to seek a second utility block
- It is disappointing to note no elevations are necessary as they are a useful indicator of a proposal
- The current proposal letter relies heavily on the children aspect; as did the previous application which was granted whilst stating there would be no further expansion allowed. It appears they now require more space for the children
- Turning to NDPF paragraph 15, this proposal is highly visible from the South Downs and the further increase of visible dwellings does further spoil the landscape
- this application seeks an exception to the existing exception, and does not indicate a demonstrative need
- it is of considerable concern that the solutions available to Gypsies and Travellers are not available to any other type of applicant, appear entirely due to the lack of approved Neighbourhood Plan and no land to supply for Gypsies and travellers
- this application is very unpopular in the community; and appears to be the latest attempt to ‘push the boundary’, which if approved could easily result in further applications once the precedent is set.
The resulting vote was to OBJECT to this application
The meeting closed at 7.00pm