Minutes of the extraordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Wednesday 26th July 2023 at 7.00pm via Microsoft Teams.
Chairman: Cllr Mark Hind
Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllrs Karen Healy, Tom Kardos, Lucy Mehta & Linda Comber
There was one member of the public present.
23/062/PM. Apologies for Absence.
All councillors were present.
23/063/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
No interests declared
23/064/PM. Planning matters – SDNP/23/02588/FUL
Location: Land North of The Dean Poynings Road Fulking West Sussex
Proposal: To change the use of land from agriculture to private equestrian, including construction a single a stable block comprising 3 stables, hay store, feed store and tack room with an adjacent manure bay.
Councillors discussed the planning application, it was noted:
Councillors unanimously objected to the application on the grounds of SD24 where the two acres of land is not of a scale to accommodate three horses. The British Horse Society “recommends a ratio of one horse per 0.4-0.6 hectares on permanent grazing (1-1.5 acres per horse)”
When considering climate change with drier summers and wetter winters, the ratio for additional permanent grazing per horse will need to increase in the future.
Date of next Ordinary to be Thursday 12th October 2023.