Operation Watershed on Clappers Lane

Update – 7th February 2014

I have just been advised by Edburtons that work still cannot start on Clappers Lane due to the weather. They will update me again next week.


Update – 29th January 2014

I have just been updated by Edburtons who have been unable to start the work on Clappers Lane due to the current weather and that it is too wet for ditch clearance. The work has been rescheduled to start next Wednesday weather permitting. I will let you know if this changes again.


Advanced Notice


Under Operation Watershed (WSCC programme to invest in flood and road repairs) Fulking PC applied for a grant for work to be carried out in Clappers Lane.

The grant has been awarded and Fulking PC have appointed Edburton Contractors to carry out the work on two areas of Clappers Lane, the North End and by The Sands.

When Edburton Contractors met with WSCC in December it was decided that a full road closure was not necessary.The work is due to start on the 27th January 2014.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Andrea Dickson clerk to Fulking PC on andreadicksonfpc@gmail.com or 01444 451060.

Andrea Dickson
Clerk to Fulking Parish Council
01444 451 060
12 Turners Mill Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1NN