Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 3rd January 2019 at 7pm
Chairman: Cllr Firth
Councillors: Cllrs Hind, Dyos and Healy
Clerk: Trevor Parsons
Apologies: Cllr Trist
No members of the public were present
There were no declarations of interest
Meeting opened at 7.05pm
Prior to the meeting, there were no requests by members of the public to speak.
The following matter was discussed:
Reference: SDNP/18/06182/APNB
Property: Seasons Farm Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
Proposal: Agricultural barn to store hay and farm equipment
It was noted that:
The proposal was reviewed on the basis that this is a replacement barn rather than an additional barn, as per site plan 1082822.
The resulting vote on this application was unanimously POSITIVE
The meeting closed at 7:27pm