Neighbours and Hedges
Now I know most of us have, at some time, fallen out with the next door neighbours over the hedge between two properties. In the 26 years we have been at Furzefield only one family of neighbours have reacted sympathetically and been prepared to see our point of view. These are our current neighbours Simon and Laurence who arrived, with their sons from London, not two years ago. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the way they have handled the matter. Curious that it takes an arrival from London to behave so well. Maybe we could all learn something from this. I have!!
John Ruskin
Friday February 8 will be the 200th anniversary of the art critic, writer and reformer John Ruskin’s birth. His memorial in Fulking is the fountain which graces the entrance to the North Town Field and the anniversary will be celebrated in London by an evening of readings and music at the Royal Academy. John Ruskin was instrumental in creating an efficient system of running water in Fulking in the 19th century which is now unfortunately defunct and only a facade. I imagine current Health and Safety regulations make any refurbishment of the system impossible. What a pity!.
Rampion Trench
Thanks for the manner in which the contractors have hidden the Rampion Trench and landscaped where it has crossed the highway. Rampion itself is, of course, a major local player in the fight against global warming, a battle that is probably the most important international problem of all.
Hopefully useful information
The recent death of my brother in law has, once again, reminded me how essential it is for the remaining partner to have all the useful information regarding finances, insurance, pensions, investments and other household details in an easily available place. It is quite simple to create a sheet of facts which can be regularly updated and prove a great help. Many widows (and widowers) find themselves at a complete loss to know how they stand financially and where to access details of all the contacts that are required when the unfortunate event occurs.