Bobservation No. 57 – Events

You may have noticed that the Evergreens have been appearing on St Andrew’s church circulars. This very praiseworthy partnership of caring helpers and householders has been hosting teas for the elderly villagers of the Downland parishes for many years. I am reliably informed that this activity is not a church organisation but purely brought together by its supporters. It is a classic example of villages performing a truly social event and long may it continue. Many thanks to all those who make it possible.

Fulking Fair & Allsorts Fun Dog Show 2019
This year’s Fulking Fair will be more extensive than ever. It will be held in the North Town Field, Fulking on Sunday 28 July and will incorporate the Allsorts Dog Rescue Fun Dog Show with Jackie Eke pet photography . Free parking will be in Downside Meadow and there will be many stalls along the Street. The fair will be opened at 12 noon with dancing through the village by the Marta Scott Dancers and it will finish at 5pm. Dog show from 12.30 till 3pm. Entry donation £1 per adult is requested to help cover the cost of set up, Children 16 and under free. Click here to find out more…

Call My Bluff Wine Quiz
There are still some places left for the Call my Bluff wine quiz in the fair marquee on Friday 26 July at £15 a head. This will include good nibbles and fantastic wines supplied by Toby Peirce of Quaff the Hove wine merchants. Tables are of teams of eight, a good chance to meet and enjoy the company of other villagers! email for bookings but hurry! places are going fast.