The Mayfield Market Town Proposal
Impending disasters come at all levels. The international one is Global Warming, the national one is Brexit and at a village level there is Mayfield. Those of you who attended the Mayfield Market Town proposal meeting in the village hall on Wednesday 28 August will hopefully have come away with a sense of horror about the proposal. This will, if proceeded with, change the way of life of Henfield village dramatically and will lead to intrusion into the Downland villages of which Fulking is one. And, dare I say it! have an retrograde effect on property values in this area. I do urge you to be aware of what is intended by looking at the proposal on line and registering your opinion with the Parish Council by emailing the Parish clerk. LAMBS (Locals Against Mayfield Building Sprawl) are the major local organisation objecting to all this.
Fulking Social Committee
Our next meeting is in the village hall on Thursday 17 October at 7.30pm when we will be discussing the way forward with the Christmas party and next year’s events. It is with great regret that our treasurer Nick Hughes will be leaving us as he has been a stalwart in so many ways. We desperately need new members if we are to continue as we have been over the last few years. Please come along, you will be made very welcome.