This changing world
Jenny reminded me the other day of some of the really involved people who are no longer in the village. At the risk of omitting someone, in no particular order, Nick, Kate, Jo, Jim & Carolyn, Tony & Doris, Nick & Jill, Sarah, Harry & Charmayne, Ian and Jill, Adrian, Anthony, Alison, Tim, Annette, Holly & Ollie, Brian, Barry, Dave & Emily. I apologise for omissions! The point I am making is that since they left it has been harder and harder to get enthusiastic supporters of village events. Whenever the Coronavirus is controlled, life as we knew it will never be the same again. I hope that the acceptance with which people were prepared to put up with things will have been replaced by a more questioning attitude and a demand for a fairer more egalitarian society. Assuming this leads to material change, particularly in the NHS, it can only be a good thing so far as most of the population are concerned. Indeed, I think it is for villagers to do everything that they can legally to assist in bringing about such change.
RSPCA fun dog show at Fulking Fair
Subject to regulations concerning the virus and, of course, the weather we are on track for a really good fair on Sunday 25 July from noon till 5pm in the North Town Field. There will be live music, hot food, a bar, childrens’ games, teas and cakes and some interesting stalls. RSPCA will be taking part for the first time with a fun dog show from 12.30pm. National Trust, Sussex Wildlife Trust and Woodland Trust will be there. We are still very short of helpers, for all manner of jobs, so if you would like to join us and help raise some funds for Fulking village needs, please get in touch. I am seriously concerned that if we do not get more offers of help the Fair will be in jeopardy.