Downland Calendar 2020

Downland Calendar 2020
The calendar is to be launched on Friday 25th October at the Royal Oak. The price is £7.50 and each purchase at the event will come with a free glass of fizzy wine. Calendars will then be available at local outlets including The Royal Oak, Rushfields, and Bob’s Cafe. Funds raised from sales will go towards maintaining Holy Trinity.

Fulking photographer wins major award

Hugo Healy The Sun 9 August 2019
Attentive readers of this website will know that Hugo Healy, seen above in his garden at Oldwood, recently took a set of aerial photographs of Fulking Fair. But he is now much better known for winning the Agora Images #Aerial2019 competition and, as a result, having his work feature in both The Sun and The Mail in the last couple of days (make sure to check both links as they feature slightly different sets of photos). More of his work can be viewed on Instagram @hugohealy and you can reach him by email if you are interested in obtaining prints.

Photographers of Poynings*

The Exposure
In 2020, Holy Trinity Church is celebrating 650 years of worship in our beautiful village, and we are kicking off the year with a Downlands calendar. We are inviting you to submit photographs of the surrounding area to use in the calendar. Here are the requirements for entry:

  • 9×6 landscape photographs, not mounted, no border, and with a matt finish.
  • As you are passing us the copyright for publication, all photos must be taken by the photographer.
  • Photos can have images of livestock, but not children.

Entries should be posted to Orchard Cottage, Dyke Lane, Poynings by Friday 2nd August. The winners will be required to send in a JPEG file within 24 hours of being notified.

*And surrounding villages.