Category Archives: Police
Hung Glider
Burglary at Barn Cottage
Call 101 if you have any relevant info and cite serial number 1299 (25/01/17).
Assault [updated]
Police are investigating an assault on a young woman on Sunday 19th June. She was in the local area (local enough for the police to come knocking on Fulking doors yesterday) from 9:30pm to 00:30am that day. If you spoke to her, or saw or heard anything that evening that might be relevant, please contact Sussex Police by email at, or telephone 101, quoting reference 1557 19/06/2016.
Sergeant Mike Butler
Crawley Police Station
Update July 2nd: there is much more information about this incident in The Argus.
Scene of Crime
Colonel Mustard reports that the election for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner is to take place on Thursday 5th May from 7:00am to 10:00pm in Fulking Village Hall. The suspects are listed here.
Missing 13 year old Bethany Sadler
Tuesday 25th August 2015
Police are extremely concerned for the welfare of a 13-year-old girl who has been reported missing from her home in Henry Burt Way, Burgess Hill.
Bethany Jade Sadler is described as white, 5’3″, of medium build, with medium brown hair. She may be wearing white trainers with light blue sides and velcro fastenings.
She was last seen at her home at 6.45am on Tuesday (25 August). Police Constable Paul Bubb, of the Mid Sussex Neighbourhood Ressponse Team, said: “We are very concerned for Bethany and every effort is being made to find her as quickly as possible.”
If you see Bethany or have any information about where she may be please email or call 101, quoting serial 231 of 25/8.
If she is in danger or in need of urgent medical attention please call 999 immediately.
For your local officer’s contact details, information about local events and meetings and actions being taken regarding your priorities click here
This message was sent by PCSO Eve Maryan 27921 Public Engagement Officer Mid Sussex