Bobservation No.69: Medics & Covid Co-operation

Two houses on The Street

Two houses on The Street that once incorporated doctor’s surgeries

Fulking and Medics
You may not realise it but Fulking is blessed with a quite disproportionate number of medical and medical related villagers. Consultant, Surgeon, GP, Administrator, Nurse, Midwife, Paramedic, Orthodontist, Dentist, Care home worker are all here in active or retired format.  Indeed some of the retired medics have offered their services to the NHS during the present crisis. I think this a good opportunity to thank them all for entering such a caring profession. We might also thank all those who serve us in so many other ways and at the same time put their lives at risk every day.
The restrictions placed upon us by this Coronavirus have brought villagers together more than anything I can remember. In addition it has opened up a spirit of cooperation between the Downland villages that has been most impressive. The time available caused by the ‘lock down’ has generated a new cooperative enthusiasm for gardening and the Community skill swap whatsapp site. This has brought many of us closer together through plant and seed swapping, helpful advice and a general feeling of communal togetherness that has been lacking in the relatively recent past. Let us make it a permanent feature of life in our village.

Bobservation No.68: Coronavirus

How the Community Skill Swap WhatsApp, which originated from climate change, has now turned into a very effective program combining both Fulking and (mostly!) Poynings.
Many gardening swaps of plants and seeds have been achieved and it will be very interesting to see how many new vegetable growers appear and how successful they are. If there is any demand it would be good to investigate the possibility of allotments in Fulking. They used to be on the south side of the Poynings road  exiting Fulking.
When, eventually, this virus is controlled if not conquered we will find ourselves in a very different world to the one we left behind. Economically, socially and politically our lives will have changed and it will be up to to us to make sure that these changes are for the benefit of the many and not just the few.
Locked down as we are for the immediate future and possibly for a much longer period, I find it interesting to note the effect it has had on our village society. There has been a wonderful helpfulness generated by enthusiastic local leaders.
This is much appreciated by the more vulnerable villagers.
Keep safe all of you.

Green Resolutions 2 [updated]

NOAA 2005-2019

Green Resolutions for Edburton, Fulking, Poynings and Saddlescombe
on Climate Change

I hope you are all well and have had a chance to follow upon some of the resolutions we came up with in January? Spring is almost here and we thought it would be a good time to reflect on our progress to date and make new resolutions for the next few months. Please let me know if you would like to offer a short report or demonstration of anything you have followed up on since the last meeting, at the start of this one, so that I can add it to the agenda. Myriam very kindly took on the car pooling and website initiative and has sent through an early draft for us all to look at:
South Downs Eco-Communities
Do check it out and we can consult more on Sunday. It will be pot luck snacks. Look forward to seeing you there.

Any ideas or questions please contact Samantha.

Green Resolutions 2


Green Resolutions for Fulking, Edburton and Poynings on Climate Change
At 7:00pm in Fulking Village Hall on Sunday 8th March

Over pot-luck snacks, join the second inter-village consultation on what we can each do individually and together locally to make a practical difference towards reducing our impact on the environment. Bring pencil and paper and practical ideas.

Any ideas or questions please contact Samantha.

Minutes of the first meeting: Environmental Impact and Green Resolutions 11th January 2020 [PDF].

Bobservation No. 65: Eco

The ecological way forward:

‘It’s impossible’  said Pride
‘It’s risky’ said Experience
‘It’s pointless’  said Reason
‘Give it a try’  whispered the Heart!

With thanks to my friend Kirshanda of

The recent meeting arranged by Samantha bringing Fulking, Edburton and Poynings villagers together to exchange ideas on how to tackle Climate Change was a great success and will produce many ideas that we can all share and indeed implement.

The very recent upsurge in local parish level concern is very gratifying in spite of the total denial by some world ‘leaders’. I do urge everyone in Fulking to join us in this very rewarding crusade at the next meeting which is scheduled for Sunday 8th of March in the village hall at 7pm (please check this date/time on the village website).

Many thanks to Emma Osman and her team. Emma is the editor of BN5 magazine which comes through our letter boxes monthly. It is always a fund of local news and advertisements. BN5 is a very good friend of our village when we want some publicity. Periodicals like this are one of the corner stones of protecting village life as we would wish it to be.

Fulking Social Committee AGM

Social Committee Meeting January 2020

At 7:30pm on Friday 31st January 2020 in Fulking Village Hall

  1. Election of Chair
  2. Election of Treasurer
  3. Minutes of last AGM
  4. Financial Report
  5. Annual accounts year ended 31 December 2019
  6. Review of activities 2019
  7. Consideration of any requests for financial assistance
  8. Activities in 2020 including Fair
  9. VE Day 75 (8th May to 10th May) anniversary celebration
  10. Date of Christmas Party 2020
  11. Any other business