Fulking and Medics
You may not realise it but Fulking is blessed with a quite disproportionate number of medical and medical related villagers. Consultant, Surgeon, GP, Administrator, Nurse, Midwife, Paramedic, Orthodontist, Dentist, Care home worker are all here in active or retired format. Indeed some of the retired medics have offered their services to the NHS during the present crisis. I think this a good opportunity to thank them all for entering such a caring profession. We might also thank all those who serve us in so many other ways and at the same time put their lives at risk every day.
The restrictions placed upon us by this Coronavirus have brought villagers together more than anything I can remember. In addition it has opened up a spirit of cooperation between the Downland villages that has been most impressive. The time available caused by the ‘lock down’ has generated a new cooperative enthusiasm for gardening and the Community skill swap whatsapp site. This has brought many of us closer together through plant and seed swapping, helpful advice and a general feeling of communal togetherness that has been lacking in the relatively recent past. Let us make it a permanent feature of life in our village.