Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 10th October 2019 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Firth
Fulking Parish Council (FPC): Cllrs Hind, Healy and Leader
Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC): Cllr Bennett
Parish Clerk: Trevor Parsons
There were four members of the public present who were invited to ask questions and make comments prior to the meeting. The meeting opened at 7.30pm.
Apologies for Absence were received from:
Cllr Linda Dyos (FPC)
Cllr Joy Dennis (WSCC)
Cllr Rodney Jackson (MSDC)
Cllr Colin Trumble (MSDC)
1.Declaration of Members’ Interests.
There were no declarations of interest declared.
2. Approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 11th July 2019 and Extraordinary Council Planning Meeting of 13th August 2019 –
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meetings.
3. Planning Applications Update.
Reference | Name | Application Details | FPC Decision | SDNPA Decision |
SDNP/19/01691/HOUS | 2 Paythorne Farm Cottages | 2 storey side extension, single storey rear/side extension, front porch
23/04/19 Unanimous Objection |
16/05/19 Approved (inc reduced to 26%) |
SDNP/19/02644/HOUS | 35 Clappers Lane | Single storey kitchen extension to rear of the house, with roof lantern, additional window and raised patio extending from the kitchen.
25/06/19 Unanimous Neutral |
Approved |
SDNP/19/03567/HOUS | 2 Paythorne Farm Cottages | Construction of new front porch; demolition of rear porch, reconstruction as utility room and w.c. | 13/08/19 Unanimous Support |
13/09/19 Approved |
It was noted that there will be a planning appeal for Market Gardens but no date has been set.
4. Reports from District Councillors.
Cllr Alison Bennett of MSDC reported:
The Strategic Sites paper for Mid Sussex has been completed and is now open for public consultation. 22 residential and 8 business sites have been identified as suitable for development.
Mid Sussex District Council is working towards the Fair Trade Town status along the same model as Burgess Hill Town.
5. Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions:
Dark Night Skies – matter still outstanding – Cllr Firth to action
Ram Pump – Correspondence finally received from SDNPA who are looking to support the siting of a noticeboard with historical information about the origins of the Pump.
ACTION – Clerk to obtain high resolution photos of John Ruskin and Henry Willet as requested by SDNP.
Yellow Lines – Cllr Hind has corresponded with Richard Speller, WSCC regarding lines on the north side of the road around the Shepherd & Dog corner to dissuade drivers from parking in dangerous positions. The cost of the lines and signage is likely to be in the region of £10,000 and the council discussed how this expense could be funded.
ACTION – Clerk to contact SSALC to seek advice about funding / grant options.
6. Fulking to Henfield Bridle path
Cllr Samantha Leader and the Clerk met with Woodmancote Parish Council with a view to create a way to walk or cycle safely to Henfield. The main hurdle to overcome is the crossing of the A281 at the junction of Horn Lane. Woodmancote Parish Council have agreed to contact the Highways Dept with a view to arrange a joint meeting to discuss possible solutions.
Cllr Leader proposed the Fulking Parish Council pursue a safe walking / cycle route to Henfield, seconded by Cllr Firth and carried unanimously.
7. Mayfield Development Update
On 28th August 2019 a village meeting was called by the Chairman to offer residents an opportunity to hear presentations from Anthony Watts Williams (Lambs) and Malcolm Eastwood (Henfield PC) and their concerns about the proposed Mayfield development site north east of Henfield. Around twenty villagers attended the meeting which included a question and answer session.
On 5th September 2019 councillors from Fulking Parish Council and the clerk attended the Inter Parish Meeting where the main topic was the proposed Mayfield development. Staff from Horsham District Council planning office were also in attendance who explained that Mayfield was one only of several large scale (over 1000 homes) sites being considered. There was consent from the whole meeting that permission for such a large development would cause multiple concerns and that a joined-up approach from all the councils would offer the best chance that Parish views could be heard.
Cllr Firth made it clear to this evenings’ meeting that no official planning application has yet been submitted from Mayfield to Horsham District Council.
8. Winter Plan Update
The salt and grit audit have been completed by Cllr Hind and an email was sent to Sue Furlong of WSCC by the clerk confirming our requirements to top up bins 6 and 7 on 21st August 2019.
9. Operation Watershed Update
Clappers Lane Phase 2
We expect Landbuild Limited, the council’s preferred contractor to commence works on phase 2 works on 16th October subject to fair weather. This will involve the installation of two new drains to allow water to clear from Clappers Lane, together with ditch restoration measures to ensure the flow of stormwater towards the streams works more effectively thus ending the flooding on the corner of Clappers Lane next to No 46.
Clappers Lane Phase 3
Funding was sought for works to be completed further north on Clappers Lane and a site visit with Richard Speller (WSCC), Cllr Hind and Cllr Healy took place on 5th February 2019. Sadly changes to Operation Watershed rules meant our application was declined however an email has been sent to Sue Furlong (WSCC) on 28th September 2019 appealing this decision to which we await a reply.
ACTION – Cllr Firth to write to Joy Dennis to seek her support towards the project.
10. Village Hall Lease Update
Cllr Firth has sent a chaser email to the PCC on 10th September 2019 and awaits a response.
11. Reports from Outside Bodies.
Cllr Leader attended the WSALC AGM held in Arundel and proposed that Fulking Parish Council take up an offer from Trevor Leggo, CEO of SSALC to undertake a Visioning Exercise for Fulking Parish Council. This would be instead of a Neighbourhood Plan for Fulking which would offer better value for money and a structured plan for the future.
12. Information Items
North Town Field Trustees meeting is to be held on 12th October 2019
The Christmas Party will be held on Saturday 7th December 2019.
The Fulking Fair will be held on Sunday 26th July 2019.
The Council would like to officially acknowledge the help, support and work undertaken by Nick Hughes, who is sadly leaving the village. Nick has kindly internally audited the accounts for Fulking Parish Council at no cost for a number of years and we express our thanks and wish Nick all the very best for the future.
13. Correspondence.
No items to be discussed
14. Financial Matters:
The Clerk presented the cashbook and bank statements for councillors’ bank reconciliation. Since moving to online banking, it is important that the council reconcile the accounts at each meeting for good governance.
The Clerk presented the accounts for the half year which are in line with expectations. The costs for the ongoing lease negotiations for the village hall have been budgeted at £1,500 in total but council is aware this figure may change.
The Clerk presented his draft budget for 2020/2021 for discussion recommending an increased precept to £9,450 to take into account additional expenses likely to be incurred from the adoption of the village hall. A decision will be made at the Ordinary Meeting in January 2020.
Payments debited from the Parish Council Account at Barclays were all made by direct debit and online banking are as follows
Date Description Gross Amount
10/07/2019 SLCC Subscription £89.00
10/07/2019 Mark Stepney – Grass Cutting £390.00
15/07/2019 Sigma Payroll £ 26.70
23/07/2019 E-On Electricity £ 66.65
31/07/2019 Surrey Hills Solicitors – Lease £150.00
30/09/2019 Clerk Pay – Dentons SIPP £1,005.42
30/09/2019 Action for Rural Sussex event £ 50.00
30/09/2019 WSALC AGM £ 72.00
06/10/2019 gift to Nick Hughes £ 50.00
06/10/2019 Mark Stepney – grass cutting £ 390.00
The meeting closed at 9.10pm
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 9th January 2020 to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7.30pm.