Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.00 pm held at Fulking Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Mark Hind Fulking Parish Council (FPC): Cllrs Linda Dyos, Karen Healy, Samantha Leader and Lucy Mehta
Parish Clerk Trevor Parsons
The owner of Arbor Vitae attended the meeting and was invited to run through the planning application. No other members of the public were in attendance.
The meeting opened at 7.00pm.
21/072/PM. Apologies for Absence. – none
21/073/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests. – none
21/074/PM. Planning matters
Location: Arbor Vitae The Street Fulking BN5 9LU SDNP/21/03915/LIS.
Proposal: Extension to swimming pool plant room. New porch on rear elevation of studio at side of house. Erection of single storey artist’s studio to rear of garage in walled garden
It was noted that:
Councillors examined the application and there were no objections raised. The improvements are out of sight from the road and the South Downs and in keeping with the rest of the property.
Four Councillors voted IN FAVOUR with one Councillor NEUTRAL
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 7th October 2021