Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council (FPC) held on Tuesday 30th November 2021 at 7pm via Zoom.
Present: Councillors Mark Hind, (Chairman), Linda Dyos, Karen Healy, Lucy Mehta and Trevor Parsons (Clerk)
The meeting opened at 19:02
Members of the public were invited to attend the virtual meeting however there were no members of the public in attendance.
21/089/PM. Apologies for Absence. – All Councillors present
21/090/PM. Declaration of Members’ Interests. – None
21/091/PM. Planning matters
Location: Customary Cottage The Street Fulking BN5 9LU SDNP/21/05523/CND
Proposal: Variation of condition 4 relating to planning approval SDNP/21/03640/HOUS to change the use of the garage from incidental use to ancillary use, in connection with the main dwelling:
It was noted
This application is an amendment to planning application SDNP/21/03640/HOUS approved by SDNPA earlier in 2021. This application seeks to change Condition 4 (see below) from “incidental” to “ancillary” use.
Fulking Parish Council met on 30th November and all Councillors OBJECTED to this change of use.
The property is not currently occupied by the owner and is subject to long term rentals
The Council is concerned about a number of issues relating to this change of use:
1) “Ancillary” use will allow the out building to be used as a holiday let. The Council is concerned that access to the outbuilding is via an apparent legal right of way along a narrow bridleway. Use as a holiday let would lead to a constant stream of cars along this narrow route causing a danger to bridleway users and destroy the character and appearance of the local area.
2) We believe “ancillary” use will be in breach of SD25 as the the building will no longer be a garage.
3) It is unclear if the previous house extensions were pre or post 18/12/2002, as the house plans are not included with the application. We believe that this application may contravene policy SD31 as the size of an ancillary building is relevant when assessing an application that is subject to the parameters of policy SD31
Should SDNPA be minded to approve this change of use Fulking Parish Council requests that a condition be added that it cannot be used as a separate holiday let dwelling.
Condition 4:
The detached garage/outbuilding, hereby permitted shall only be used for purposes incidental to the occupation and enjoyment of the dwelling known as Customary Cottage. It shall not be used or occupied separately or severed from the main dwelling.
Reason: To ensure that the outbuilding is used only in connection with the existing dwelling to safeguard the amenities, character and appearance of the local area through the management of uses within new development in the area.
21/092/PM. Planning matters
Location: Arbor Vitae The Street Fulking BN5 9LU SDNP/21/03914/HOUS
Proposal: Extension to swimming pool plant room. Erection of single storey artist’s studio to rear of garage in walled garden
It was noted that there was no material change to the original application and councillors UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED this new application.
The meeting closed at 19:33
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 13th January 2022.