The Shepherd and Dog pub have applied for a new premises license to play pre-recorded music, live music and films both indoors and outdoors in the garden.
The application includes:-
- Pre-recorded amplified music every day 10am to 11pm
- Live music amplified and non-amplified every day 11am to 11pm
- Screening of films with amplified sound every day 11am to 10pm
- Late night refreshment every day 11pm to 12:30am
See the full text of the application (LI/15/0513) click here.
Any comments or objections you may wish to make must be sent in writing to the Licensing Officer to be received by 26th March 2015.
Email to:
or Send to:-
The Licensing Officer (Ref: LIS/15/0513)
Mid Sussex District Council
Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1SS