Some Village Miscellany

Bin Collection Disruption: See the link on the Mid Sussex District Council’s website for details of the catch-up programme.

The Community Support Officer has changed temporarily. For the time being the PCSO is Teresa Bevan who can be contacted on 07979 774054 or

Fulking Social Comittee has recently purchased 55 stacker armchairs for the much improved village hall at a cost of £350. Other recent expendure has included the village and childrens’ Christmas parties, a donation of £100 towards the Evergreens’ Christmas party and treework to reduce the saplings in the banking of the North Town Field. The final cost of the electrical installation of the two new defibrillators is estimated to be around £550 of which £400 has already been donated.

and finally

This years village fair will be held on Sunday 28 July and anyone who would like to join in would be welcome (with open arms!). If you are interested give Bob Rowland a shout on 271 or email him at