Watercolour by Nick Bremer- view from stile across meadow at Perching Sands
‘Baz‘ Parmar
My very good friend Baz passed away on the 4 November. He fought a quite horrific type of cancer some years ago and until quite recently had been clear. Regrettably he suffered another bout which eventually proved to be fatal. A quiet, modest, helpful and unassuming man who had been a most successful orthodontist, my respect for him was great. He was part of one those remarkable Asian families who came to Britain as a result of the crisis caused in East Africa by Idi Amin. We should all consider these national advantages before criticising any form of immigration to our shores.
Nick Bremer
So hard to know what to say about the passing away of an old chum. Both Nick and Jill contributed more to the social life of Fulking than anyone in the past 30 years and were my inspiration for getting involved in this wonderful village. Nick was a fine artist who designed and produced the so attractive village pictorial signposts. Even though old age has made it necessary for us to move to Henfield we still have a fine watercolour of the bluebells at Furzefield that we commissioned Nick to create, reminding us of happy days with them in Fulking. Wonderful sense of humour, golf addict, terrible cribbage player, great friend and colleague on the Parish Council. See you next Tuesday you old devil!