In the Village Hall. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend.
- Chairman’s Welcome.
- Apologies.
- Declaration of Interest.
- Approval of minutes 9th January 2014
- Matters Arising from the above minutes not on the agenda (to include Planning inc. Old Pump House, Highways Flooding & Operation Watershed, Lady Brook Spring, Footpath 4f update, Winter Management, NTF Trees).
- Reports from District & County Councillors.
- Preston Nomads
- NTF mowing contract
- Water Fountain
- Fireworks
- Financial Matters (including Cheque List & Stubs, Income & Expenditure to date, quarterly bank reconciliation), Financial Regulations.
- Annual internal audit.
- Annual Parish meeting speaker update & refreshments.
- Thank you — Street Light, Table, NTF Trees & Fencing
- Comments from the floor.
- Dates of next meetings.
Andrea Dickson, Clerk to Fulking Parish Council
01444 451 060 /