Extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 at 7.30pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking
Present: Councillors Miles Firth (Chairman), Mark Hind, (Vice Chairman), Linda Dyos, Samantha Leader and Trevor Parsons (Clerk)
One member of the public, being the applicant, was present and was invited to contribute to the discussion.
20/016/PM. Apologies for absence: Cllr Karen Healy
20/017/PM. Declaration of Members Interests. There were no declarations of interest
20/018/PM. Planning matters Knole House Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH SDNP/20/00159/FUL
Demolition of an existing two-storey house and ancillary garage with store room above. To be replaced with a new two-storey house, a detached new double garage. New vehicular gate and street facing boundary wall with detached pool house and swimming pool to the rear of the property.
It was noted that:
- This project is considered a real improvement to the housing stock of the village
- The plans all appear to be in proportion and the increase in overall height of the property will be mitigated by the present hedgerow and tree covering along Clappers Lane.
- FPC requested that the applicants include as part of their Construction Management Plan a ban on contractor parking in Clappers Lane. Contractor parking should only be allowed on the site.
The reason for this stipulation is:
a. Historic problems with access and safety due to parking at peak times for the Shepherd and Dog pub. This occurs during weekdays (not just weekends)
b. Contractor parking and delivery issues related to access, safety and damage to verges on the Poynings road over the last four years as a result of major refurbishment/building projects which were concurrent at Hillside, Downside, The Dales, and Barn Cottage.
Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY IN FAVOUR of the application.
The meeting closed at 8.05pm
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 2nd April 2020 to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7.30pm.