As Christmas approaches, our thoughts could be on those unfortunates who lack a roof over their heads, it is disturbing that at least three properties in the village are permanently unoccupied as well as one other that is used as a holiday home. The villagers concerned will know which houses I am referring to and I plead with them, in the spirit of Christmas, to rent or put their properties up for sale on the open market as soon as possible. If all the empty properties in Britain were occupied the housing crisis would be largely solved.
By now you will have received an invitation to the annual Fulking Village Christmas Party which is being held in the village hall on Friday 8th December from 6 till 8pm. The Social Committee puts a lot of work into this event believing it to be for the benefit of the village as a whole, giving newcomers the chance to meet longer established villagers and the latter to meet up with old friends and acquaintances. Entrance is free, as are the mulled wine, beers, soft drinks and a variety of other wines. All that you are asked to do is arrive with a plate, small or large, of savoury nibbles. Children are very welcome. Bring plenty of cash for the raffle!
Looking in BN5 magazine, I see a 2 page spread of a calendar of activities at the Shepherd & Dog during December which is, as I would expect, very exciting. In particular there is a kids’ party on 23 December from 4 till 6pm and activities for the young ones on several other dates. What a good way for parents to get a bit of peace! Look on the pub’s web-site.
Many thanks to Chris, Jen and Pam for resurrecting Pigeon Post on a quarterly (?) basis. They follow in the tradition of Nick and Jill, Richard, Aidan, John and Miles; the previous editors. My own opinion is that it is essential to have a medium including a hard copy by which the village can be kept informed of relevant local news.
Lastly I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and many thanks to my good friends on the Social Committee who generously give up their time to make this a really special village to live in. Fulking Fair will be on Sunday 29th July 2018. Please put it in your diary.