Fulking Affinity
It is nearly 7 weeks since old age caused us to leave our beloved Fulking and move to Henfield. The move was a sensible one dictated by the passing years and whilst we are now small wheels in what seems like a big cog, we were quite unable to cope with being custodians of the unique 3 acres that constitute Furzefield.
Fortunately we have passed the baton on to worthy successors. It is quite surprising to find that where we nowlive it is as quiet or possibly even quieter than Clappers Lane but the same camaraderie does not appear to exist amongst neighbours, age probably being a major factor.
I am still in regular contact with Samantha and the Monday group and get village news from some of the many friends we made while we were in Fulking. The Social Committee is now being led enthusiastically by Sally who tells me that plans for a Christmas party are under way and, if we are invited, I look forward to joining with you in this village annual event. I know just how hard it is to get these occasions off the ground, so please do offer to join in and help as much as you can.
Just can’t stop nagging you!!