Planning Meeting — Tuesday 25th June 2019

You are cordially invited to attend an extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council on Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 7:30pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking for the transaction of the business on the Agenda below.
Miles Firth — Chairman

Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.  

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declaration of members’ interests.
  3. Approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 23rd April, 2019.
  4. Planning Matters: To comment on planning application received from South Downs National Park being SDNP/19/02644/HOUS, Single storey kitchen extension to rear of the house, with roof lantern, additional window and raised patio extending from the kitchen at 35 Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9ND.

Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 11th july 2019 to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7:30pm.

Kind regards

Trevor Parsons
Clerk – Fulking Parish Council
07767 422733

Planning Meeting 23rd April 2019

front elevation

Invitation to Planning Meeting 

You are hereby cordially invited to attend a planning meeting of the Fulking Parish Council to be held at 7:00pm, on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at the Village Hall, Fulking.

To discuss the following planning application: 

SDNP/19/01691/HOUS  2 storey side extension, single storey rear/side extension, front porch at 2 Paythorne Farm Cottages Edburton Road Fulking BN5 9LP 

Members of the Press & Public are welcome to attend. 

By prior appointment with the Chairman, a maximum of 2 people may speak for up to 5 minutes each in favour, and a maximum of 2 people may also speak for up to 5 minutes each against the applications. 

Trevor Parsons
ClerkFulking Parish Council 

Tel: 07767 422733 


Planning Meeting – Monday 18th March 2018

You are cordially invited to attend the extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council on Monday 18th March 2019 at 8.00pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking for the transaction of the business on the Agenda below. [Note the change of time.]

Miles Firth – Chairman


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.

1. Apologies for Absence.

2. Declaration of Members’ Interests.

3. Approve the Minutes* of the Knole House Planning Meeting. The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting.

4. Planning Matters: To comment on planning applications received from South Downs National Park being SDNP/19/00908/HOUS Single storey pool house with games room and shower/changing facilities. Timber framed carport structure at Downside Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB

Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 11th April 2019 to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Trevor Parsons – clerk – 07767 422733

Bobservation 53: Winter Thoughts

Fulking Village from Downs in SnowNeighbours and Hedges
Now I know most of us have, at some time, fallen out with the next door neighbours over the hedge between two properties. In the 26 years we have been at Furzefield  only one family of neighbours  have reacted sympathetically and been prepared to see our point of view. These are our current neighbours Simon and Laurence who arrived, with their sons from London, not two years ago. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the way they have handled the matter.  Curious that it takes an arrival from London to behave so well.  Maybe we could all learn something from this. I have!!

John Ruskin
Friday February 8 will be the 200th anniversary of the art critic, writer and reformer John Ruskin’s birth. His memorial in Fulking is the fountain which graces the entrance to the North Town Field and the anniversary will be celebrated in London by an evening of readings and music at the Royal Academy. John Ruskin was instrumental in creating an efficient system of running water in Fulking in the 19th century which is now unfortunately defunct and only a facade. I imagine current Health and Safety regulations make any refurbishment of the system impossible. What a pity!.

Rampion Trench
Thanks for the manner in which the contractors have hidden the Rampion Trench and landscaped where it has crossed the highway. Rampion itself is, of course, a major local player in the fight against global warming, a battle that is probably the most important international problem of all.

Hopefully useful information
The recent death of my brother in law has, once again, reminded me how essential it is for the remaining partner to have all the useful information regarding finances, insurance, pensions, investments and other household details in an easily available place. It is quite simple to create a sheet of facts which can be regularly updated and prove a great help.  Many widows (and widowers) find themselves at a complete loss to know how they stand financially and where to access details of all the contacts that are required when the unfortunate event occurs.

Bobservation 49 – Planning, Calendars & Parties

Map of Fulking with SDNPA logoParish Council Meeting
The recent Parish Council meeting gave rise to two somewhat concerning decisions. The first was an admission by one of our District Councillors that nothing could be done to prevent the demise through neglect of two or possibly three houses in Stammers Hill even though the neighbouring properties were being adversely affected. What a strange world we live in where thousands are desperately seeking a permanent home and yet existing properties are allowed to fall into disrepair. Surely simple legislation could be enacted to penalise the owner of an empty property, possibly even to the extent of compulsory purchase, to prevent this happening. Stop Press!! I am now told by a neighbour of one of the properties concerned that refurbishment of a property is under way. Let us hope it succeeds.
The second decision was a planning application to add rooms to an existing building that has only quite recently changed hands. Why cannot people buy the right size of property in the first place rather than further reducing the existing stock of village housing of smaller properties?  I thought the somewhat casual manner in which the Parish Council endorsed the application should have considered the effect these applications have on increasing the size of properties in the village and reducing the possibility of the relatively less wealthy becoming freeholders.
In addition to this the totally ineffective South Downs National Park planners have recently granted permission for a sizeable extension to another village property.

Downland Calendar 2019
By the time you read this the launch of the Downland Calendar will probably have taken place. Jen and Richard have put a great deal of time and effort into this and at £7 it is a steal. Do please buy one of these stunning calendars for as many friends and family as you can. Proceeds are towards the refurbishment of the village hall.

Christmas Party
Do make a big effort to come to this year’s Christmas party in the village hall, 6 till 8pm on Saturday December 8, and make it a big success. Children are welcome and we will be having mulled wine as well as the usual drinks. Entrance is free but please bring a plate of savoury nibbles.

Wide Load

Mobile home in Clappers Lane Fulking
Another static caravan is due to be delivered to Market Garden this Friday (29th June) between 14:00 and 17:00. It will be arriving via Poynings Road, so it will travel through the eastern end of the village and the southern part of Clappers Lane. Clappers Lane residents are urged to move their cars elsewhere during that period. More details will be available from a leaflet due to be put through letterboxes in the next couple of days.

Wildlife and the Planning Process

Wildlife and the Planning Process

Woods Mill, Wednesday 27th June 2018 6:30pm–9:00pm

Are your neighbours considering a development? What protected species are most suitable for disrupting their plans? How can you get the critters to take up residence on their land? How can you best document their presence in ways that will persuade the planning authority to veto the project? Sadly, this brief course does not directly address these fundamental questions. But attending it will be much cheaper than hiring ecoNIMBY Associates LLC and you may learn something relevant to your campaign.

MSDC (finally) vetoes Mayfield

No Mayfield Market Town
LAMBS writes:

Today (May 9th) .. the deadline passes for any legal challenges on the newly adopted [Mid Sussex] District Plan. Mayfield Market Towns had until today to launch a legal challenge following the Plan’s adoption on March 28th. The statutory six week period allows unsuccessful developers like MMT to find ways to challenge a District Plan in accordance with Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. However, with no challenges submitted, the Plan is now set in stone and MMT is effectively ‘locked out’ of the District.

More here.