Bobservation No. 65: Eco

The ecological way forward:

‘It’s impossible’  said Pride
‘It’s risky’ said Experience
‘It’s pointless’  said Reason
‘Give it a try’  whispered the Heart!

With thanks to my friend Kirshanda of

The recent meeting arranged by Samantha bringing Fulking, Edburton and Poynings villagers together to exchange ideas on how to tackle Climate Change was a great success and will produce many ideas that we can all share and indeed implement.

The very recent upsurge in local parish level concern is very gratifying in spite of the total denial by some world ‘leaders’. I do urge everyone in Fulking to join us in this very rewarding crusade at the next meeting which is scheduled for Sunday 8th of March in the village hall at 7pm (please check this date/time on the village website).

Many thanks to Emma Osman and her team. Emma is the editor of BN5 magazine which comes through our letter boxes monthly. It is always a fund of local news and advertisements. BN5 is a very good friend of our village when we want some publicity. Periodicals like this are one of the corner stones of protecting village life as we would wish it to be.

Green bins

Green bins
If you have already subscribed then the direct debit will roll over until death. But if you are new to the village, or have finally decided that your carefully curated botanical collection (giant hogweed, Himalayan balsam, Japanese knotweed, New Zealand pigmyweed, rhododendron ponticum, spear thistle and ragwort) has become too large, then you may want to click the MSDC advert above and give them your money.

Recycling Permits

In a way, this is a trailer for a scheme which starts on 1st October. From then you will need a permit to use a van, pickup or single axle trailer to visit a recycling centre in West Sussex.
Some vehicles will be banned from that date:
• multi axle trailers (four wheels)
• horse boxes
• tipper trucks
• flatbed or dropside trucks
• Luton (box) type vans

The good news is that (provided you are a West Sussex resident) getting a permit takes just a minute or so on-line.

Find out more at the WSCC website.


Bobservation 43: Responsibilities

The village clear up on Sunday 15 April attracted a handful of enthusiasts, mostly as far I can ascertain, the ‘old’ hands.

Now this is quite acceptable and I can understand that newcomers to the village and those of you who are ensconced in your ivory castles do not wish to get involved in any village activities. However, I do think in the interest of cleanliness and the general look of the village  which,  after all, will affect the value of your freehold asset, each householder should take responsibility for keeping the roadside along the boundary of their property free of the rubbish which individuals periodically drop.

Newcomers may not be aware that the Council Tax which is levied on those of us living in the countryside provides a great deal less by way of services than that enjoyed by householders living in a town, in particular, the regular clearing of rubbish along the street. So to conclude this depressing plea, let us all take on the responsibility of keeping our own boundary free of rubbish on a regular basis and, dare I ask, perhaps showing a bit more interest in Fulking and the village activities.

On this note we still need volunteers for the fair on Sunday 29 July and Louise needs bottles for the Tombola.

Have a great summer!