Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 14 January 2010 at 8.00pm
Present: Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar, Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council Mrs Paula Hazard.
Apologies for Absence: None
Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.
Minutes — The minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2010, as previously circulated, were approved, accepted and signed by the Chairman.
Highways: Various problems in Clappers Lane had been reported. The large potholes had been fixed. However there was still a flooding problem near The Sands. Low overhanging trees had been reported and removed.
There was no further information about the request for a non-skid surface at the northern entrance to Clappers Lane.
WSCC Highways had responded to the report about the flooding on Poynings Road at Four Acres by cleaning out the gully. The situation there had improved but Highways also proposed to investigate why surface water is draining away slower than it should be.
With regards to the flooding problem by the Shepherd and Dog stream culvert, WSCC Highways had reported that they have previously removed silt from gullies on the north side of bend and jetted the pipe connection. However, the serious flooding problem remains. Highways believed that the northern ditch needed digging out and proposed to investigate ownership. However as the flooding problem occurs every year, the PC thought that a more permanent solution was needed and had written to WSCC explaining why they believed that the ditch was owned by WSCC and proposed a permanent solution by building a wide brick and concrete gully on the northern road side. The proposed solution was also an improvement on the current underground pipe as it had the advantage that the blockage could be easily identified and easily cleared. A letter from WSCC responding to this request had just been received and the Chairman read it out. Highways had rejected the request. It was agreed that the PC should write again to argue the case for the permanent solution.
Preston Nomads: Linda Dyos had canvassed local opinion about the proposed parking spaces. There had not been a huge response and some people expressed concerns about the distance and security. Currently only one person was definitely interested in taking up the parking spaces.
The garages were no longer owned by the Downlands Housing Association but were now owned by a new Housing Association called Affinity. The change had resulted in the area needing to be surveyed again which meant that PNCC could not go ahead with their plans until this was done. Six parking places were still definitely allocated on their plans.
North Town Field: Mowing and Maintenance — The PC had found someone (David Marshall) who could do the maintenance of the play area equipment and could also do the mowing of the field. Clerk to write to David Marshall to confirm contract for this year.
Work was required on the steps to the climbing frame in the playground. Foster Playscapes had quoted 101 (+ VAT) to do this work. Councillor Brooks suggested that it would be worth looking at doing this repair with David Marshall. A meeting will be arranged so that he can quote for this work
New Play Equipment — The PC had looked at the suppliers for the play equipment for Buckingham Park, however it was very expensive. Following further discussions with Hollie Trist, a piece of equipment had been identified which suited a wide range of ages. The cost was roughly about 3000 but there were no extra costs for the surface as it could stand on grass and did not require a special surface. The PC is waiting for a precise quotation.
New Play Surface — Cut-up tyres will be used in future for topping up the bark pit instead of bark as although the tyre surface was dearer it was believed that it lasted a great deal longer.
Public Liability Insurance — The NTF Trust had found a lawyer who was working on this.
Councillor Rowland had received a quote of 100 from Francis Mnich for tree work that needed to be done. It was agreed that this work should proceed as soon as possible. Councillor Rowland to arrange.
Fly-Tipping at the Bostal: There was no further update about the ownership of the entrance area believed to be owned by the National Trust
Phone Box: The Clerk had looked further into the issue of the removal of the phone service and had contacted OFCOM. They had advised that as there is only one phone box in the village, BT could not remove the phone service without applying to the Local Planning Authority and consulting with the local residents. There may be a good case for retaining it where there is a poor mobile phone signal or overhead cables are vulnerable. MSDC had advised that they do not currently have an application by BT to remove the service. The invitation to buy the box implied that the phone service would be removed imminently. However it appeared that currently it would only be removed if the PC were to buy the box, as this was a condition imposed by BT. It was agreed that the Clerk should write a formal letter to confirm that BT does not currently have any plans to remove the phone service.
Diverted Footpath 4dF: There was no further news from the Rights of Way Committee.
Reopening of Bridleway 11F: The Joint Committee had been originally hopeful that the Bridleway landowner would open up the bridleway or apply for a diversion order. However the landowner had now decided to continue holding out against the reopening of the bridleway. Therefore the case had now been passed to West Sussex Rights of Way as an enforcement issue.
Development opposite 45 Clappers Lane (Lower Kents): The PC had not received a retrospective planning application for this work. No at land further development activity had been seen at the site.
South Downs National Park Authority: The election for parish members for the West Sussex area was due to be held at the end of January. Thirteen members had been nominated and each Parish Council could vote for two members. The PC agreed to vote for Mark Lee from Poynings and Rodney Jackson from Hurstpierpoint
Local provision of grit: In the past Fulking used to have two grit bins. One in the Street outside Fulking Cottage and the other in Clappers Lane near Sunnyacres. Because of the recent severe snow the PC had investigated the possibility of the village having grit bins again. WSCC do not pay for grit bins so the PC would have to buy and maintain them. However, WSCC would fill the bins with rock salt free of charge provided it was used on the public highway. WSCC have said they will contact the PC about range and cost of grit bins.
The PC agreed that it would be a good idea to have two grit bins and discussed where they could be located. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to have one located on the junction of The Street and Clappers Lane. However, the bank outside Fulking Cottage, where it was previously located, may not be possible as this is now privately owned. It was agreed that a good location would be on the eastern bank of Clappers Lane as near to the junction with The Street as possible. It would be necessary to find out where the boundary of Yew Cottage was in relation to this bank. It was agreed that the other grit bin should be located further down in Clappers Lane with the precise location to be discussed further.
The general issue of clearing the snow from the roads was discussed. In the past the County Council had paid local farmers to clear the snow. It was agreed that it would be worthwhile exploring this issue further to see if it was possible to reinstate this arrangement.
Village Plan: It was planned that the next Pigeon Post would contain a questionnaire regarding the village plan and what people would like to see happening in the future in the village. If there were enough responses, a speaker from Action in Rural Sussex would be invited to speak at one of the next meetings.
Financial Matters: The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs.
AOB: County Council Update — The Chairman read out a report from County Councillor Peter Griffiths who was unable to attend due to the severe weather. The report covered the impact of the recent heavy snow on the County Council’s stock of grit and Highway’s ability to be able to continue gritting of the roads.
Councillor Brooks raised the subject of a current planning application to install a mobile telephone mast in Bramlands Lane. It was agreed that the PC should write to Horsham District Council to request that the location be changed to north of the Henfield Road.
The meeting was opened up for local residents to raise any issues.
The PC was given an update about the dog at the Market Garden site. The Dog Warden had visited but as the dog was in a kennel it could not be impounded.
The issue of another family living on the Market Garden site was raised. It was agreed that MSDC Enforcement should be advised of this matter as temporary planning permission had only been given for one family to live on the site.
Date of Next Meeting: 8 April 2010, 8 July 2010.
The meeting closed at 9.
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