Come and Join the ‘Fulking Foxes’ every Monday evening at 7:00pm on the North Town Field. A sociable walking and running group. You don’t need to be a runner. Bring your dog for a walk or kids for a scamper.It’s just a way of getting out, exploring the countryside and meeting each other. We all reconvene at the village hall for tea and cookies afterwards, 7:45pm. Any queries, please contact one of us: Samantha (07479-4583243), Lydia (07724-091607) or Kevin (07901-820878).
Every Monday (during term time) after yoga: 10:45. A chance to read, reflect and consult on quotes from all the World’s Faiths, with a focus on different universal human values each week, such as justice, unity, empathy and so forth. A way to start the week with inspiration and uplifting conversation. In the Village Hall. All welcome. Hosted by Samantha. Any questions: call 07479-458323.
Samantha Leader