Bobservation No. 103: Planning Update

Planning Update: Public Facility

I understand that a planning application will be placed on record at Mid Sussex District Council and South Downs National Park for the installation of a public toilet next to the Ruskin water feature. This will accommodate the needs of both men and women. It is suggested that to conjoin with the name of Ruskin in the village that the proposed toilet be given a title chosen by Fulking villagers. Possible titles might be the name of a local celebrity, a villager or even a politician or member of the Royal Family. Perhaps the toilet could be painted blue to remind us of the political party that has been so successful in restoring confidence and wealth to all Fulking villagers. We could doff our headwear as we pass. [1.4.23]

On the market

Small Acres

The land, which is about 2 acres, is entered through iron gates off Clappers Lane close to the entrance to Preston Nomads Cricket Club. We understand that, dating back to the 1960s, the site was used as a caravan park. Within the plot there is a large concrete hardstanding and the remains of a timber outbuilding with WC, electricity supply (not connected at present) and telephone (also not connected). on the south side of the land is a small caravan.

Mayfield unspurned?

“The Government announced changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on Tuesday 20 July, without notice. These changes have significant implications on the Horsham District Local Plan.”

Peter Freeman resigned from the board of Mayfield Market Towns Ltd. in October 2020. He was then immediately appointed to become Chair of Homes England:

As Chair, Peter Freeman will lead the continued transformation of Homes England into a commercially focused organisation that works with the public, private and voluntary sector to deliver much needed homes and infrastructure across the country.

He will help to deliver the Secretary of State’s ambitious vision for housing, driving the delivery of new homes and infrastructure to support economic recovery and ensure everyone has the opportunity to access a decent, secure and affordable place to call home.

Planning Meeting

The meeting to discuss the planning application for Hillside was postponed yesterday evening as the SDNPA portal as unavailable. Therefore you are cordially invited to an online Extraordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council, on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 7.00pm via Microsoft Teams, the meeting will consider the items set out below. 

If you would like to join the online meeting, please email the Clerk at and he will email you the link needed to attend.

Mark Hind – Acting Chairman  


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.  

21/025/PM.          Apologies for Absence. 

21/026/PM.          Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

21/027/PM.          Planning matters 

Location:  SDNP/20/05150/FUL Hillside Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB  

Proposal: Proposed ancillary storage building, with associated access area, together with biodiversity and landscape enhancements, public footpath and related structures. 

21/028/PM.        Planning matters 

Location:  SDNP/21/00722/HOUS 8 Stammers Hill Fulking BN5 9NA  

Proposal: Conversion of car port to additional accommodation including external alterations 

Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 15th April 2021 


Bobservation No. 73: Disputes & Vulnerability

Sumo wrestlers over map of Fulking
Disputes in a village are generally caused by boundaries, hedges, trees, or noise. At the time they happen they may seem of life changing importance to both parties but in the event, will seem of little importance to the rest of the world. Quite often the dispute would never have occurred if the instigator had approached the other party in a civil manner before any action had been taken. Kind-hearted souls are advised to steer well clear of mediation unless they are qualified mediators for fear of getting drawn into a situation they cannot improve. In most cases one of the parties in the dispute will be in the right and the other in the wrong.  I have found that the outcome will generally leave a very unpleasant atmosphere between the persons involved unless a great deal of common sense is displayed.  Regrettably, this seems to be unusual.

It occurs to me that at a time when our lives are threatened by Climate Change and Coronavirus that each has a different significance to the young and the old. So far as Climate Change is concerned it will have little impact on someone of my age but enormous impact on a teenager. On the other hand, Coronavirus would probably be fatal if I were to catch it but possibly just inconvenience for the teenager. All pretty obvious, I suppose, but it does seem to point the way to greater cooperation in doing everything we can to defeat Global Extinction and the effects of the virus. Interesting that Brexit will alter the lives of both young and old equally.

Fulking Conservation Area Reprise

Conservation Area
This document will soon be plopping onto your doormat. If you live in the conservation area (current or proposed), please review it carefully. Mistakes have already been spotted. Send any that you notice to Trevor so that he can collate them for the Parish Council’s response.

The history of the issue is described here but you will need to respond to the new SDNPA document, not the old MSDC one.

Stranded on Mock Bridge

Stranded on Mock Bridge
Consonant with the season, the altruistic folk at Mayfield Market Towns have developed a new fairy tale for children in Horsham District — ‘Sustainable Urban Drainage’:

Mayfields .. includes a broad Sustainable Urban Drainage network, storing run off water during periods of very heavy rain and trickling it back into the river network, mimicking natural green field run off and helping to counter further issues downstream during heavy rainfall as witnessed over the past week.

Read the rest of the tale at the West Sussex County Times.