Unblocking the bridleway

Unblocking bridleway
The bridleway by the South Town Field between Four Acres Corner and the Shepherd & Dog has been temporarily blocked. A load of sub-soil was tipped in the wrong place and is currently being cleared. Paul from Thatchly offers his apologies to any riders and walkers who have been inconvenienced and says that it will be sorted out very soon.

Repairs to the entrance to Preston Nomads

Preston Nomads entrance
The entrance to Preston Nomads CC is scheduled to be repaired on 22nd and 23rd November. This means that the residents’ parking area and footpath/bridleway won’t be accessible on those days. PNCC and their contractors will try and get this essential work done with minimum inconvenience. If you have any further queries please contact Martin Glover at martinpncc@gmail.com

Parish Council Meeting – 13th July 2017 7:30pm – Village Hall

Fulking Parish Council will hold their quarterly meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday July 13th 2017 in the Village Hall — agenda.


  1. Chairman’s Welcome.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Approval of minutes of 6th March, 11th & 13th April, and 11th & 18th May, 2017
  5. Reports from MSDC Councillors & WSCC Councillor Joy Dennis
  6. Comments from the floor.

Matters arising from the above minutes not on the agenda: Ladybrook Spring maintenance update-Michael; Drainage along Edburton Road update-Michael; Hillside drainage-Miles; HGV sign update-Miles; Proposed parking measures West of Lady Brook Spring update-Mark; Preston Nomads entrance-Miles.

  1. Clappers Lane Update-Miles/Linda
  2. Operation Watershed update-Derek
  3. Transparency update-Derek
  4. Proposed annual review of procedures-Derek
  5. NTF insurance update-Miles
  6. Playground inspection/maintenance update-Derek
  7. Proposed 2018 meeting dates approval; 11th January, 12th April, 12th July, 11th October, AGM 3rd May-all
  8. Financial Matters (including Cheque List & Stubbs, Income & Expenditure to date, Budget v’s actual, quarterly bank reconciliation.
  9. Date of next meeting: 12th October, 2017.

Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend.

Footpaths needing attention

Sue Philipson, our local Access Ranger, will be carrying out Public Rights of Ways inspections next month. Following these inspections, routine maintenance work will be organised.

If you know of any issues or work that needs doing, please contact West Sussex Public Rights of Way by the end of June via the following email address: prow@westsussex.gov.uk. Please copy in the Parish Council for our records (parishclerk@fulking.net).

Path numbers can be found on the West Sussex website and you may need to refer to the ‘How to use the iMap’ for this. Both the map and the guide can be found here: www.westsussex.gov.uk/imap.

Parish Council Meeting – 12th January 2017 7:30pm – Village Hall

Fulking Parish Council will hold their quarterly meeting at 7:30 on Thursday January 12th 2017 in the Village Hall — agenda.

1. Chairman’s Welcome.
2. Apologies.
3. Declarations of Interest.
4. Approval of minutes 13th October 2016
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not on the agenda: (North Town Field trees)
6. Reports from MSDC Councillors & WSCC Councillor Peter Griffiths
7. Comments from the floor.
8. Development/Planning transfer to SDNPA feedback.
9. Ladybrook Spring maintenance update.
10. Neighbourhood Plan discussion
11. Drainage along Edburton Road update
12. Fulking Village Action Plan update & Procedure Revision
13. Increased traffic in Clappers Lane update.
14. Transparency funding update.
15. Clappers Lane drainage and Operation Watershed update.
16. Proposed parking measures West of Lady Brook Spring update.
17. Dog waste bins update.
18. Hillside bridle path drainage-flooding on Poynings Road & ‘the Deans’
19. SDNP Survey update
20. Brighton & Hove Land Sales.
21. Financial Matters (including Cheque List & Stubbs, Income & Expenditure to date, Budget v’s actual, quarterly bank reconciliation.
22. 2017/18 Precept.
23. Date of next meetings: 13th April, 13th July, and 12th October. APM/AGM 11th May 2017.

Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend.