Mycology on Wolstonbury Hill

Mushrooms at night
Friday 26th October 2018 from 9:30 to 15:00. The order of the day: 9:30am meet at Saddlescombe; 10:00am go out hunting for fungi in Wolstonbury woods and across open downland; 12:00 noon lunch, with glorious views across Sussex; 2:00pm return to Saddlescombe Farm for a cup of tea and cake in the new heated barn; 2:15pm go through our finds with expert mycologist Martin Allison and look at some of the more interesting species under the microscope; 3:00pm finish. Booking essential.

Fungal Foray

The Devil's Dyke fungi hunt - part 1
Join mycologist Martin Allinson for a day of recording as many species of fungi as possible across Newtimber Hill on Friday 19th October from 9:30am to 3:00pm. Wear suitable clothing and bring lunch. Tea and cake will be served upon return to Saddlescombe. Supervised children are welcome. Booking essential. Click the image for more information.

The Devil’s Punchbowl 200

The Devil's Punchbowl route

Our cycling and Civil Defence correspondent, General Sir Frederick (”Tiger”) Nidgett, writes as follows:

The summer offensive continues. Garish hordes of gore-tex Visigoths and spandex Vandals will be blocking traffic and intimidating pets and pedestrians as they drive an aesthetic assault along the Clappers Lane salient, The Street, and Edburton Road on the evening of Sunday 15th July, between 20:00 and 21:30. An MTB patrol from Fulking Home Guard will be out earlier in the day to set cycle traps, install temporary misdirection signage, and leave a crate of complimentary nitrite-enhanced rehydration packs beside the pump house.

Games Evening (with Poynings)

trajectory prediction
Table Tennis: Friday 20th July, 7:30pm: if the weather is fine then this event will be held at the outdoor table tennis table next to Poynings playing field (bring other outdoor games if you like); if the weather is poor then it will be in Poynings Village Hall. Followed by a visit to the Royal Oak.

All welcome. Ring me, or email me, on the day with any queries (e.g., about the weather) — Jen Green (552).