Bobservation No. 89: Changes in Henfield

Changes in Henfield
Over the last 30 years the changes in Henfield have been remarkable. Some of these are; The Health Centre which has become Henfield Haven and moved from Hewitts to its present location, the petrol station was tiny, the Tea Gardens were a very good Indian Restaurant, Setyres was a used car lot, the RPS food & wineshop was a Winerack, there was a Building Society and four different bank branches one of which is now the Vet, none of the housing estate to the north west of the Health centre existed, two pubs have gone, the video shop is a thing of the past, the Chinese no longer sells fish & chips, both the gentleman’s outfitters and the electrical retailers have closed, the fishmonger has gone, the forge and blacksmith has moved from the high street, the art shop was a cook shop, car parks were free, the solicitors above what was Lloyds bank moved to Hassocks and the large building is still empty. I just thought it might bring back memories, hopefully pleasant!

Fulking Fair 2022
This year’s fair may well need to be supported very well if we are to raise funds relating to the village hall, details of which will be forthcoming from the Chair of the Parish Council, Mark Hind. There will need to be as many villagers taking part as possible helping to make it successful. We need helpers to do all sorts of jobs most of which are not at all onerous and generally very good fun. Please get in touch with me tel 271 or email and we can discuss what you might like to do.

Fulking Social Committee
I have now officiaIly handed over the Chair of the Social Committee to Sally Brownie who, in the short time she has been in Fulking, has shown an enthusiastic attitude that will well suit her for the post. She will provide much needed new ideas for the development of the social side of the village but will need your support.

Bobservation No. 88: Handing on the Social Baton

Bob Rowland at Furzefield
A Happy and healthy New Year to all of you

At last old age has caught up with me and I am handing over the Chair of the Social Committee to Sally Brownie who will be terrific in the job. In nearly 28 years of involvement many memories come to mind: at the fair, the beagle cocking his leg on the lady drummer, the marquee blown down by the wind, the bar and band in another marquee while the rain poured down, Toon Ghose flying over as a salute, wellie throwing, the bubbles, the Argus award, Nigel jamming it with Aiden’s band, pony rides, gladiators, the owls, the bats, wonderful stallholders, alpacas on show, mud and rain, hot summer days, model steam engine, tasty food, Punch & Judy and puppets, tug of war, dog shows, dancers in the street,’ Sold as Seen’ and all the other musicians, £1000+ take on the gate in 2014. And other events such as ‘Fulking’s got talent’, Graham’s Carol Services at St Andrews, Call my Bluff and wine quizzes, the Caribbean evening, Barn Dancing, the Morrismen, historical lectures, Easter egg hunting, rounders, plays in the village hall and North Town Field, carol singing, Tricia’s yoga, the lady covered in chocolate at the Bremers, Dave & Em at the S&D and even more. All of this adds up to the marvellous time I have had living in Fulking. Do help Sally look after the amazing thing that has been created by such a small village.

Christmas party in the North Town Field
Thanks to Sally and Samantha for organising the very successful mulled wine and edibles in the North Town Field on the early evening of 11 December. An anonymous villager who had a direct contact with Father Christmas managed to get that very busy gentleman to attend to the amazement of some of the children and possibly adults as well!

Bobservation No. 87: Village Times & Politicians

Collage for Bobervation 87

The Changing Times of Fulking & Edburton Vol 2 2007-2015 by Tony Brooks
Tony’s son Trevor has uncovered some 25 copies of this remarkable history that Tony created. He has requested that these be sold for a donation to be given to the Alzheimers Society. I do highly recommend this to villagers for a donation of £5 cash. Please give me a shout on 271 or email me if you would like a copy. If you know someone who has Vol 1 this would make a very nice stocking filler!

National Governance
Believe me this is an apolitical opinion. Over the course of my long life I have at various times supported and voted Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal and Social Democrat. I just feel so aggrieved at the attitude and performance of the current Government that I had to express my thoughts. I have seen countries governed by political clowns such as Mussolini, Berlasconi, Trump and Bolsonaro and it saddens me to see my own country falling into the same political cesspit. The awarding of peerages for personal favours and to chums has reached a ludicrous level and greatly diminished the standing of the House of Lords, not that it was ever particularly very high! I do hope that the electorate will take on board the criticisms by John Major about the appalling Owen Paterson scandal. As villagers we take part in the first rung of the ladder of democracy in appointing Parish Councillors and subsequently District and County Councillors and lastly Members of Parliament to represent us at the highest level. I do beg you, when the appropriate time comes, to cast your vote thoughtfully and with consideration for the immediate past. It is correct that Governments and Councils should be held to account for their performance while in office.

Christmas Party
It had been intended to have the usual village Christmas party in the village hall on Saturday 11th  December. The Fulking Social Committee decided not to go ahead with the event due to the difficulty of complying with basic Covid precautions. An outdoor event will be held in the North Town Field taking its place. Please do not relax your caution in fighting this pandemic.

Bobservation No. 86: Tony Brooks RIP

Image of Tony Brooks at Fulking FairSadly, Tony Brooks passed away on Sunday 17th October as the result of a stroke and after some 5 years of Alzheimers, the latter eighteen months of which were spent in a nursing home. He was 89.
His total involvement with Fulking was greater than any other villager in the thirty years I have been in Fulking. His advice and help was always available and his engineering background very useful.
Tony and Doris first came to Fulking in 1965 when they purchased the nursery garden at Hillbrook. Over the next 50 or so years he was involved, one way or another, with everything in the village. Having lived in a mobile home on site for 5 years he obtained planning permission to build a bungalow and proceeded to build it himself! The nursery closed in 1998.
Tony’s activities included being elected to the Parish Council and subsequently becoming Chair, and being a backbone of the village Social Committee. He was very active in the Village Hall Action Group improving and maintaining the village hall.
The author of a most comprehensive history ‘The changing Times of Fulking & Edburton 1900 to 2007’, which details the history of practically every house, the profit from which (several thousand pounds) he generously donated to the St Andrews restoration fund. Subsequently he wrote a Volume 2 covering 2007 to 2015. He also wrote a history of the Shepherd & Dog pub. Copies of these books may be available in due course for a donation to the Alzheimers Society.
While his death does not come as a shock it does bring back many memories of what, in these troubled times, seems to have been so satisfying.
The funeral will take place at the Downs Crematorium, Bear Road, Brighton on Thursday 4 November at 1pm.
Lastly, Doris we are thinking of you and send you all our love.

Seedling Sale


Seedling Sale at 10:30am on Sunday 9th May in the village hall garden.

Vegetable and flower plants. Please bring any spare seedlings you have.

We will have a one way system, and observe social distance, of course.

………….and the Book Nook will be open
Come in two at a time
Masks must be worn
Sanitiser available
…………..come in and browse

See you there!!

Bobservation No. 80: Village Hall and Fair

View of Chapel with Village Hall behind during FairFulking Fair 2021
To organise the fair means starting early in the year to contact possible stallholders and food outfits before they get booked up. I find this a very absorbing hobby and am very happy to do it. I am given to understand there may be villagers who object to the fair taking place this year due to the influx of possible carriers of the Corona virus. I must assure them, and indeed everybody, that whatever the Governmental regulations, regarding the pandemic, are they will be strictly adhered to. As ever any helping hands are always welcome. If you would like to join in please contact me by phone at 271 or email to

Village Hall
The future of the village hall, which has been the centre of Fulking social events for well over a century, is apparently back on the agenda of village life. Whilst the freehold of this interesting building seems to be in the hands of the Parochial Church Committee (PCC), it has been made available to the village by means of a leasing agreement in recent years. I do appeal to the PCC to consider the effect on Fulking if this availability were to terminate, take note of the strength of feeling in the village about the hall and be generous in whatever suggestions they may make for the future of this vital social asset.

Green Resolutions 2 [updated]

NOAA 2005-2019

Green Resolutions for Edburton, Fulking, Poynings and Saddlescombe
on Climate Change

I hope you are all well and have had a chance to follow upon some of the resolutions we came up with in January? Spring is almost here and we thought it would be a good time to reflect on our progress to date and make new resolutions for the next few months. Please let me know if you would like to offer a short report or demonstration of anything you have followed up on since the last meeting, at the start of this one, so that I can add it to the agenda. Myriam very kindly took on the car pooling and website initiative and has sent through an early draft for us all to look at:
South Downs Eco-Communities
Do check it out and we can consult more on Sunday. It will be pot luck snacks. Look forward to seeing you there.

Any ideas or questions please contact Samantha.

Green Resolutions 2


Green Resolutions for Fulking, Edburton and Poynings on Climate Change
At 7:00pm in Fulking Village Hall on Sunday 8th March

Over pot-luck snacks, join the second inter-village consultation on what we can each do individually and together locally to make a practical difference towards reducing our impact on the environment. Bring pencil and paper and practical ideas.

Any ideas or questions please contact Samantha.

Minutes of the first meeting: Environmental Impact and Green Resolutions 11th January 2020 [PDF].