2008 10 09 PC Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 9 October 2008 at 8.00pm

Present : Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Paula Hazard.

Apologies for Absence : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan

Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.

The Vice Chairman advised that the PC, in response to public feedback, had decided that the minutes would not be read out at the beginning of meetings. Instead printed copies would be available to read at the meeting and in future draft minutes would be posted to the website and on the notice board. The minutes would still be formally approved, accepted and signed at PC meetings. Concerns were raised by some members of the public that this was not democratic as draft minutes of the previous meeting had not been available before this meeting. Therefore it was decided that for this meeting the minutes of the previous meeting would be read out. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2008 were, after having been read out, then approved and signed by the Vice Chairman.

Rights of Way: DMMO 07/01 Perching Drove. A further letter had been sent to Mr Gort-Barten on 17 September. The PC had just received a reply but had not read it yet but planned to review it as soon as possible.

Highways: WSCC Highways had agreed to the PC s request to place ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’ signs at each end of Clappers Lane. This was requested to try to reduce the heavy traffic some of which was being diverted along the lane by sat nav systems. The signs were scheduled to be in place by the end of October.

WSCC Safety Engineering was currently reviewing the PC s request to authorise a section of non-skid surface across half of the Clappers Lane northern junction.

The PC had ordered new street light fittings to replace the worn and damaged ones for the street light at the bottom of Stammers Hill. These will be fitted when EDF can source fittings to match the style of the street light.

Clappers Lane had been closed for work on a culvert from 15 September. The work had now been completed and the lane was now open.

Market Garden: As agreed at the last meeting the PC had written to Development Control again (11 July) to ensure that the specific requirements for conditions 7 and 8 were included in the layout schemes. As Development Control had not replied this was chased up again on 3 October.

Preston Nomads: District Councillor Gina Field was asked if there had been any response from PNCC. She confirmed that there continued to be no response and that for now Cricket Club it appeared that the situation had reached an impasse.

North Town Field: The Chestnut Tree which had partially fallen down turned out to be completely rotten and the whole tree had been felled. The fence which had been damaged by the fallen branches had been repaired by Councillor Brooks.

To address the problem of the need for ongoing maintenance in the play area, the PC were considering asking someone to do this if it was possible to do it at a reasonable cost.

An informal meeting was held with the NTF trustees in August. The suggestion about improving access to the field was revisited. It was agreed to investigate resurfacing and levelling the top of the entrance without extending the tarmac. Quotations would be obtained which would also include the need to better secure the main gate.

An NTF working party was held on the August Bank Holiday weekend. This included clearing the areas where the nettles were taking over the field. This meant that Danny Flynn was now able to mow these areas.

A quotation had been received from the NTF Trust for major tree work which was now needed as this had not been done for a long time. The quotation was for 429. Councillor Brooks thought it would be prudent to obtain another quotation.

The Clerk had investigated the request from the NTF Trust asking if the PC s Public Liability insurance could cover both the play area and the rest of the field. The position was that the NTF Trust as owners of the field had a strict liability that arose from their ownership of the land. This meant that although the PC’s insurance covered any activities that the PC was responsible for (e.g. mowing grass, play area) it did not cover any activities that were not organised by the PC and therefore the Trust did need a separate insurance policy. The NTF Trust had been informed about this.

Village website: Draft minutes of PC meetings were now to be posted on the website within a month of the meeting.

The PC also thought it was a good idea to post dates for NTF Working Parties on the website as well as being noted in Pigeon Post.

The PC wanted to be able to post dates for Planning Meetings on the website. One possible problem was that they often had to be arranged at short notice and therefore the update process would need to be quick.

Affordable Housing: No further information directly affecting Fulking had been received.

MSDC Community Grant: Councillor Brooks asked County Councillor Peter Griffiths if funding for the improvement to the NTF entrance was something that could be applied for from the WSCC grants scheme. Peter Griffiths confirmed that this was the case and that the next application deadline would be in November.

Pigeon Post: A black and white printed version of Pigeon Post was now available again which Printing would be distributed as before. This would be on an opt out basis meaning that people could choose not to receive the printed version if they wanted to print it themselves. A colour version would be available on the website. The question was raised as to whether it would still be emailed out. Councillor Parmar said that she would ask the new editor, Aidan Walker, about the current process.

Diseased Trees: Councillor Rowland had spoken to the Landowner about the trees on the field at side of the road and the Clerk had reported the trees on the road side of Clappers Lane to WSCC Highways. WSCC Highways were awaiting a report Lane from a Tree Specialist. The local Tree Warden was also waiting for the WSCC tree survey.

Action in Rural Sussex: The PC had agreed to join the Action in Rural Sussex Community Planning Rural Network group. The group wanted the PC to let them know the top three priorities to focus on. The PC was going to discuss this further and report back at the next PC meeting.

Fly Tipping at the Bostal: Problems with fly tipping at the entrance to the Bostal bridleway had been reported. The question was raised whether there was anything that could be done to prevent it. It would not be easy but it was something that could be looked into further. The fact that fly tipping can be reported directly to MSDC was noted.

Financial Matter: The Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs. The internal audit of the Annual Accounts 07/08 had been carried out by Nick Hughes and the Annual Return had been sent to Mazars, the external auditors. The PC thanked Nick Hughes for his services.

AOB: County Councillor Peter Griffiths addressed the meeting about Health (including the suspension of Fit for the Future proposals), Highways, the proposed South Downs National Park and the County Local Committee.

District Councillor Gina Field addressed the meeting about forthcoming events, next year’s County Council and European Elections. She also gave a personal view assessing the recent Beachdown Festival event.

Councillor Brooks who was chairing the meeting opened up a discussion with Mr Goodridge addressing points that he had written to the PC about. The discussion covered communication between the PC and the village, village website, minutes being read out at meetings, publication of draft minutes and publication of agendas. The PC supported the idea of publishing draft minutes and would be trialling minutes not being read out. Details about the agenda needed to be looked into further. It was noted that some suggestions regarding the website and general communication needed people to carry out the work and it was not always possible to find volunteers. Mr Sapted requested that the PC bear in mind that not everyone had access to the website or email.

Date of Next Meeting: 8 January 2009.

The meeting closed at 9.25.

[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]

2008 07 10 PC Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 10 July 2008 at 8.00pm

Present : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Paula Hazard.

Apologies for Absence : District Councillor Gina Field and County Councillor Peter Griffiths.

Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2008 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

Rights of Way: DMMO 07/01 Perching Drove. The Parish Council had written to Mr Gort-Barten on 25 April to get an update on the legal situation regarding the Permissive Path Agreement. The PC had not received a reply. It was agreed that if a reply was not received soon then the PC should write again.

Highways: The PC had written to WSCC (on 10 April) requesting Unsuitable for HGV signs to be placed at either end of Clappers Lane. The surface of the lane had always been a problem and it was believed that this was being exacerbated by the increase in heavy traffic which was being diverted along the lane by sat nav systems. This had been chased up again as no response had yet been received.

The PC had requested (on 9 June) WSCC Highways to authorise a section of non-skid surface across half of the Clappers Lane northern junction. This had proved to be a dangerous junction for cars joining the Henfield Road.

Councillor Brooks talked about a private company that carried out small road repairs. However, it would need more Parish Councils to be involved for it to be a viable option.

A problem with the street light at the bottom of Stammers Hill being on during the day had been reported. EDF had advised that it was a light sensitive switch and had trimmed back the tree leaves that had been covering it. They also reported that the old fitting was holed, the Perspex melted and the bracket rusty and that a new lantern would be required. A quote of 276.54 plus VAT had been received and it was agreed to go ahead with this work.

A local resident had written to the PC to raise the issue of parking problems in Clappers Lane and requested that the PC lead a debate. This issue was discussed but as the PC did not own any land, a possible solution would have to involve the use of private land. Therefore it was agreed that this would need to be a matter for private agreement and was not something that the PC would have any jurisdiction over.

Market Garden: A letter was sent (on 25 April) to the Chairman of the Southern Area Planning Committee, Mr A Barrett-Miles, to strongly express the concern that continual flouting of Planning Law had been allowed to continue for such a long period and that planning law be vigorously enforced to ensure that all the planning conditions were complied with.

MSDC confirmed that Mrs Hearne had appeared at Mid Sussex Magistrates Court summonsed for failing to comply with the Breach of Condition Notice.

The PC wrote (on 27 May) to MSDC Development Control to ask that they ensure that the planning schemes for conditions 7 and 8 went through the normal planning process so that both the PC and local residents could be consulted. Detailed requirements for layout schemes were also specified to MSDC. However, MSDC replied that because of time and resources it would not be practical to consult with third parties over the discharge of conditions. It was agreed that the PC should write again to Development Control to ensure that the specific requirements for conditions 7 and 8 were included in the layout schemes.

MSDC confirmed (on 20 June) that Mrs Hearne had pleaded guilty and had been fined.

Preston Nomads: Local residents had reported traffic problems with drivers speeding along the southern section of Clappers Lane to the Cricket Club. District Councillor Gina Field had been trying for some time to arrange a meeting with PNCC. However she had not received any response from David Laing. Therefore no meetings had been held between PNCC and Gina Field and Tony Brooks with reference to other outstanding matters.

North Town Field: The bark pit in the play area had been weeded and needed topping up with more bark. Councillor Brooks had estimated that six cubic metres of bark would be needed. This would cost 360 (at 60 per cubic metre). Councillor Brooks had found someone who was able to deliver it and help lay it at a cost of 120. It was queried whether funds were available to do this. Although it had not been allowed for in this year s precept, there were reserves to cover it and it was believed that this was acceptable as it was a task that needing doing every 4 or 5 years. It was discussed whether other surfaces were possible but as it needed doing urgently the decision was made to go ahead with the bark surface in this instance.

The annual ROSPA report had highlighted maintenance actions that were needed in the play area. Tony Brooks had carried out many of these tasks on his own but more help was needed. The issue of the need for increasing maintenance of the play area and the need for people to do it was discussed. It was agreed that this was an issue that needed to be addressed further.

The PC had received a request from the NTF Trust asking if the Parish Council’s Public Liability insurance could cover both the play area and the rest of the field so that only one insurance policy was needed. The Clerk was looking into the implication of this both in terms of the future security of tenure and the insurance implications.

The PC had suggested improvements that could be made to the NTF and put this to the NTF Trust for approval before seeking funding. The main suggestion was to tarmac the entrance to the NTF to improve access for front-wheel cars. The NTF Trust had rejected this suggestion because they felt that access was good enough and that making access easier could encourage unwelcome attention to the field. The other suggestion was for picnic tables but on reflection the PC had withdrawn this proposal because it was thought that this would increase the maintenance tasks needed for NTF.

Village website: The website was now up and running. The PC expressed its thanks to Richard Linford and James Lightfoot for all their work.

Conservation Area: The Conservation Area Appraisal document had now been formally adopted.

Affordable Housing: No further information directly affecting Fulking had been received.

MSDC Grant: The Mid Sussex grant had been investigated. The grants must meet specific Community criteria according to current funding areas that MSDC is focusing on. Grants available from West Sussex had also been investigated. The PC was mainly looking at funding for any NTF improvements. It was also suggested that this may be a possible line of investigation for the funding of the printing of Pigeon Post.

Two Sheds at Clappers Lane: Concerns were raised at the last meeting about a generator running in one of the large wooden sheds on the corner plot of Clappers Lane because the sheds were only to be used for storage. The Sussex Association of Local Councils had advised that as the Parish Council was not a Planning Authority it did not have any authority to pursue the owner for Breach of Condition. Any Planning Breach would have to be reported to MSDC. However as the generator had now stopped there would not be anything for Enforcement to see. The PC had advised CLAG about this and requested that the situation be monitored and the PC be advised if it reoccurred.

Small Acres: Concerns were raised at the last meeting that this land was up for auction as it had a history of planning applications. It had been bought by a local resident and it was believed this was to protect it from development or use as a travellers’ site. It was believed that the whole village would be thankful to Mr Diamond for this.

WSCC Boundary Commission: Councillor Corner updated the meeting about the Boundary Committee for England s electoral review of West Sussex. The Boundary Committee had recently published draft recommendations.

Waltons Farm: The PC had been asked to report a possible Breach of Condition at Waltons Farm. In 2005 Outline Planning Permission for a house had been granted with several conditions one of which was that the dwelling could only be occupied by a person solely or mainly employed in agriculture. The land had been sold subsequently to someone who it was believed was not a farmer and building of a new house had started in June. MSDC had investigated this issue and had advised the PC that the new owners had said they were involved in farming and therefore MSDC believed that there had not been a Breach of Condition.

Pigeon Post Printing: Options for obtaining a printed version of Pigeon Post were being investigated. The costs of printing a colour version were prohibitive but printing it in black and white seemed to be a possible solution. Councillor Brooks was looking into this. The PC was going to arrange a meeting with Richard Linford, the current editor of Pigeon Post, to discuss this but he was stepping down and had put out a call to find a new editor.

Allotment: A local resident had asked about the likelihood of any land being available for allotments. Councillor Brooks said that historically there had been allotments in Fulking since the First World War. The land was on the Poynings Road near Hillside. However, the land had not been used as allotments for a long time, partly it was believed because there was no water supply.

Financial Matters: The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs. A better insurance quote ( 601) than the PC s current insurer had been received from Norwich Union. This was more than 200 cheaper and the PC had decided to go with Norwich Union. The Clerk was investigating the extent of existing cover for Public Liability for the North Town Field both inside and outside the play area.

The Chairman and Clerk (as Responsible Financial Officer) signed off the Annual Accounts for 2007/08 which included the Annual Return and the Annual Bank Reconciliation Summary.

AOB: Councillors Brooks and Rowland reported a problem with diseased oak trees in the section of Clappers Lane roughly between Badgerwood stables and Sunnyacres. Two large limbs had come crashing down recently into the road and a number of other oak trees in the vicinity also presented a danger. It was agreed that the Clerk write to Vince Tipper (WSCC Highways) about trees on the roadside of Clappers Lane and Councillor Rowland speak to the Landowner about trees on the field side of the road.

Dates of Next Meetings: 9 October 2008 and 8 January 2009.

The meeting closed at 9.25.

[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]

2008 04 10 PC Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 10 April 2008 at 8.00pm

Present : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Paula Hazard.

Apologies for Absence : None

Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman signed the Appointment Letter for the new Parish Clerk.

The minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2008 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

Rights of Way: DDMO 07/01 Perching Drove. No further news had been received from the Landowner so it was proposed that the Council now write to the Landowner to get an update on the legal situation regarding the Permissive Path Agreement.

Highways: The Clerk had reported potholes on the hill down to the Shepherd and Dog pub. Councillor Corner had reported a pothole at the northern end of Clappers Lane. Councillor Corner had spoken to Highways requesting Unsuitable for Heavy Goods Vehicles signs at both ends of Clappers Lane and the Council said that they needed this request in writing from the Clerk. The Clerk to make a written request.

Market Garden: The Breach of Condition Notice was not complied with. John Arnold (Enforcement Officer MSDC) had advised There is a file with legal for a prosecution in relation to the breach of the Breach of Condition Notice for the conditions imposed by the Planning Inspector. The patio that has been constructed also needs permission and I am waiting a response from their agent in relation to that .

Preston Nomads: There had been no further progress on communication between the club and the village. Meetings that were planned had been cancelled due to illness and Cricket Club holidays. District Councillor Gina Field advised that she had contacted David Laing to arrange another meeting but had not yet received any response. It was proposed that District Councillor Gina Field and Councillor Tony Brooks should arrange a meeting with the PNCC for an informal talk.

Gina Field advised that the PNCC were still in negotiation to purchase the garages for storage facilities.

North Town Field: Danny Flynn had verbally quoted to carry on cutting the grass for the same price as last year. He would start the cutting as and when it was needed. He had also taken away the rubbish from the last clear-up.

Replacement toddler swings were installed by Fosters Playscapes. Second- hand swings were chosen because they were so much cheaper. Councillor Brooks confirmed that the sign to say that any children using the playground were to be supervised had been installed. He also advised that he needed to wait for better weather before he could fill up the bark pit.

The cost of Foster Playscape Inspections were going to increase to 32.50 from 30. It was agreed that this was acceptable.

A request from the NTF Trust had been received asking if the Parish Council would rent the whole of the field for insurance purposes. The implications of this would need to be checked in terms of the future security of tenure. There is an amount allowed in the precept for the insurance.

Village website: The website was planned to be up and running in May together with the necessary email addresses.

Conservation Area: Ed Lancaster had produced a set of draft proposals and asked the Parish Council for their comments which needed to be returned to him by 27 March. The Chairman read out a summary of the draft proposals and the Parish Council s views on each proposal.

APM: A guest speaker from West Sussex County Council has been arranged to talk about recyling. Arrangements for the food and wine needed to be confirmed.

Bird Scarer: Councillor Brooks had spoken to the farmer/landowner who has since addressed the issue and is happy to take suggestions for improvements to the noise level and siting.

Affordable Housing: The Chairman advised that MSDC are assessing sites for potential housing and the timescales of when they are likely to be developed.

MSDC Community Grant: The details and conditions of this grant were to be investigated before a note was put in the Pigeon Post asking for suggestions.

Financial Matters The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs.

A renewal quote from Allianz Cornhill for the village insurance for 817 had AOB been received. Councillor Corner was seeking an alternative quote from another company.

County Councillor Mr Peter Griffiths addressed the meeting about Highways, Health and Adult Services. District Councillor Mrs Gina Field addressed the meeting with an update about Health, Core Strategy, Leisure Division and Planning Hearings.

Mr Goodridge commented on the MSDC’s Conservation Area proposal to put the overhead telephone and electric cables underground in terms of the disruption and upheaval of the work. The Parish Council felt that it was a good proposal but in reality the prohibitive cost of the work would mean that it would be a very long way off actually happening.

Mr Linford strongly expressed his concern that the residents of the Market Garden site had not complied with one single condition imposed by the Planning. The Council agreed to write to Mr Arnold (Enforcement Officer MSDC) to also strongly express this unsatisfactory situation.

Mr Linford also raised concerns about the upcoming auction of the land at Small Acres because it had a history of planning applications to develop the site.

Mr Rowland requested that the letter to the Perching Drove Landowner about the Permissive Path agreement should ask for a speedy response as this matter had taken a long time.

Ms Dyos informed the Council that a generator had been running in one of large wooden sheds on the corner plot of land owned by Michael Cox. As planning permission has only been given for using these sheds for storage she requested that the Council pursue this matter.

Mr Sapsted asked why MSDC had not notified objectors about a planning decision to a recent planning application. Councillor Rowland explained that there had not been a public planning meeting for this application.

Dates of Next Meetings: 10 July and 9 October 2008 and 8 January 2009.

The meeting closed at 8.45 followed by a public meeting to discuss the proposed Beachdown music festival.

[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]

2008 01 10 PC Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 10 January 2008 at 8.00pm

Present : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Sheena Trist.

Apologies for Absence : None

Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.

The Chairman welcomed the Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council Mrs Hersey and her husband Councillor Mr Hersey.

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2007 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

Rights of Way: DDMO 07/01 Perching Drove. An e-mail was sent by the Chairman to the Landowner but a response had not been received.

Highways: There was no further news or developments regarding parking by The Shepherd and Dog. A planning application had been lodged with MSDC but this did not include provision for extra parking.

The hedges in Clappers Lane had been cut back. The faulty street lamp had been reported to EDF Energy and it had been repaired. Councillor Corner agreed to speak to Highways about the possibility of a ‘Unsuitable for Heavy Traffic’ sign at either ends of Clappers Lane.

Market Garden: District Councillor Gina Field had been in contact with MSDC Planning who had advised that the Hearns had been served with a Breach of Condition Notice (BCN) on 3 Clappers Lane December 2007. This required them to remove the old Huet caravan on the site and to provide details of the laying out and landscaping of the site (including lighting) and to then implement the approved details within 56 days. If the BCN is not complied with then MSDC can move to a prosecution in the magistrate’s court. This would be at the end of January and Mrs Field agreed to pursue this with Planning at that time.

Preston Nomads: Two meetings had been held with representative from the cricket club. There were still some matters outstanding but it was hoped that these would be resolved shortly. The Cricket Club lights that had been approved by Planning were now in place and felt to be much better than the ones there previously. Noise was still a problem and it would be suggested to Preston Nomads that they consider sound baffles on their equipment and intensive planting on the boundary to try to muffle any noise.

North Town Field: It was agreed to ask Danny Flynn to carry on with the grass cutting for the 2008 season and the Clerk was asked to contact him to ask for a quotation and schedule of cutting.

Further to the Rospa report, a site meeting had been held and various actions agreed. Councillor Corner agreed to speak to Highways about road signs. Councillor Brooks had removed the moss from the surfaces and built up and turfed the levels. He had also been quoted 35 for an engraved sign to say any children using the playground were to be supervised and it was agreed that this quotation should be accepted. A quotation of 240 (4 x 60 bags) had been received to replace the bark pit and it was agreed to wait until the weather improved to do this work.

Village website: Richard Linford was progressing with the website.

Conservation Area: A presentation was held in the village hall in November 2007 and questionnaires handed out. These were currently being assessed and a report/recommendation would be available in the Spring.

Parish Clerk: Two local residents had approached the Clerk regarding the forthcoming vacancy and she had explained what the role involved. Formal applications were awaited.

Financial Matters: The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs.

Indemnity cover for officials was now in place and the increased fee will be included in the 2008 premium.

It was agreed that the Clerk’s salary be increased to 8.04 per hour, in line with the NALC published payscales.

The precept for 2008/09 was set at 4,980, an increase of 5%

APM: The date for the Annual Parish Meeting was set for Thursday 1 May 2008. County and District Councillors would be invited to attend, along with Neighbourhood Watch, the Social Committee and Poynings Parish Council. The Clerk to ask Ed Lancaster if he would like to give a talk on the Conservation Area.

AOB: A complaint had been received about a noisy bird scarer and although this was not a PC matter Councillor Brooks said he would speak to the owner to try to resolve the problem.

It was asked if money could be included in the precept to cover the cost of tree surgery etc in the North Town Field as at present money was raised by locals for this. As the precept for 08/09 had been set it was agreed to look at this for the following year.

Affordable Housing. The Chairman agreed to follow up about the survey.

A grant of 1,000 is available from MSDC to go towards anything needed in the village. A note to be put in Pigeon Post to ask for any suggestions.

District Councillor Mrs Field advised that they were still fighting for the Princess Royal Hospital. Mrs Hersey, Chairman MSDC, also spoke about the Princess Royal with particular reference to the Maternity Unit.

Dates of Next Meetings: 10 April, 10 July and 9 October 2008 and 8 January 2009. The meeting closed at 8.50, followed by a public meeting to propose and vote new member(s) onto the North Town Field Trust.

[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]

2007 10 11 PC Minutes

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 11 October 2007 at 8.00pm

Present : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Sheena Trist.

Apologies for Absence : None

Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2007 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

Rights of Way: DDMO 07/01 Perching Drove. The Landowner had suggested that access revert to the status quo, but the PC were not happy with this and asked that the agreement for a permissive path still be put in place. The Landowner agreed to go back to his solicitor for advice and that he did not wish to offend anyone.

A Statement and Map under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act had been received from WSCC regarding the estate of the late Brian Harris, showing the rights of way over his land. The Clerk was asked to check these rights of way with the definitive map in her possession.

Highways: Parking on the bend by the pub. Councillors Brooks and Parmar had had two meetings with the Landlord of the pub, the second of which was also attended by Martin Small of the National Trust (NT). The NT’s stance was that parking was not their problem and that visitors to the proposed National Park would be encouraged to come by public transport. Extra parking would mean more customers and any extension to the pub would be strongly opposed. The meeting ended in stalemate.

Market Garden: The conditions imposed by the Planning Inspectorate were still outstanding and the Clerk was asked to write a strong letter to the Head of Environment and Planning at MSDC to ask why enforcement action was taking so long.

Preston Nomads: The PC had met with PNCC officers and a plan of action had been put in place with a follow up meeting due in November. After this follow up meeting a plan of action Cricket Club would be made public.

North Town Field: Unfortunately the Chairman of the Trustees died before the Clerk had the opportunity to write to him. The Secretary of the Trustees advised that he would publicise the nomination of new trustees in Pigeon Post and that they would go to vote after the PC meeting scheduled for 10 January 2008.

Grass cutting had taken place as scheduled throughout the summer months. The contractor advised that one more late cut may be necessary if the grass carried on growing.

Rospa report. A site meeting had been difficult to arrange and so it was agreed that everyone make an effort to agree a convenient date.

Village website: Richard Linford was progressing with the website and the quote of 50 a year for web hosting was agreed to by all PC members. The Clerk asked Mr Linford to provide her with an invoice with his costs in order that they could be reimbursed.

Village Signs: Only one letter of response to Paul Wayne s letter had been received and as this was from the artist it was agreed to let the matter lie.

Conservation Area: The appraisal of the Conservation Area had taken place and a public exhibition was to be held in November, with details being published in Pigeon Post.

Village Sign: Condition of sign at junction of The Street and Clappers Lane had been reported to Highways who said they would put it on their schedule of works and that if it needed to be replaced, a similar one would be used, not a metal one.

Lawn Mower: The now redundant lawn mower was now in the safe keeping of Councillor Parmar until such time it be needed again.

Joint Meetings: Two joint meetings with Poynings had taken place. One on Health, the outcome of which Councillor Corner said he would publicise in Pigeon Post, and Housing, which would result in a survey to establish if Fulking had a need.

Financial Matters: The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs.

Councillor Corner had received a quote of 40pa for the officials indemnity cover and it was agreed that this be taken up. Councillor Corner agreed to speak to Allianz to get the necessary paperwork.

AOB The Parish Clerk reminded the meeting of the new refuse and recycling system. She then advised that, due to personal reasons, she would stand down as Clerk in April 2008, as this would be the end of the one year that she had agreed to give the new Parish Council. The vacant position would be advertised in Pigeon Post.

Gina Field, District Councillor and Peter Griffiths, County Councillor addressed the meeting on various issues including the legal battle concerning the Princess Royal Hospital, the Highways Rangers and grants available to the PC.

Councillor Corner had attended a meeting on Rural Issues but there were no particular needs for Fulking.

Councillor Brooks advised he was in consultation with Mr Rawlings regarding the hedges in Clappers Lane and that they were to be cut back imminently.

A member of the audience advised that he would be putting in for planning permission for a mobile home at Folly Farm as he needed to live on site. He was advised that this would be discussed at the relevant planning meeting.

Mr Sapsted reported that the street lamp on the junction of Stammers Hill and The Street was not working and the Clerk agreed to report this to Seeboard.

Dates of Next Meetings: 10 January & 10 April 2008. The meeting closed at 9.35pm

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