Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 11 October 2007 at 8.00pm
Present : Chairman Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Vice Chairman Mr Tony Brooks, Councillors Mr Richard Corner, Mrs Jennifer Parmar and Mrs Pamela Rowland and Clerk to the Council, Mrs Sheena Trist.
Apologies for Absence : None
Declarations of Interest by Members (if any) are shown against the relevant items in the minutes.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2007 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.
Rights of Way: DDMO 07/01 Perching Drove. The Landowner had suggested that access revert to the status quo, but the PC were not happy with this and asked that the agreement for a permissive path still be put in place. The Landowner agreed to go back to his solicitor for advice and that he did not wish to offend anyone.
A Statement and Map under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act had been received from WSCC regarding the estate of the late Brian Harris, showing the rights of way over his land. The Clerk was asked to check these rights of way with the definitive map in her possession.
Highways: Parking on the bend by the pub. Councillors Brooks and Parmar had had two meetings with the Landlord of the pub, the second of which was also attended by Martin Small of the National Trust (NT). The NT’s stance was that parking was not their problem and that visitors to the proposed National Park would be encouraged to come by public transport. Extra parking would mean more customers and any extension to the pub would be strongly opposed. The meeting ended in stalemate.
Market Garden: The conditions imposed by the Planning Inspectorate were still outstanding and the Clerk was asked to write a strong letter to the Head of Environment and Planning at MSDC to ask why enforcement action was taking so long.
Preston Nomads: The PC had met with PNCC officers and a plan of action had been put in place with a follow up meeting due in November. After this follow up meeting a plan of action Cricket Club would be made public.
North Town Field: Unfortunately the Chairman of the Trustees died before the Clerk had the opportunity to write to him. The Secretary of the Trustees advised that he would publicise the nomination of new trustees in Pigeon Post and that they would go to vote after the PC meeting scheduled for 10 January 2008.
Grass cutting had taken place as scheduled throughout the summer months. The contractor advised that one more late cut may be necessary if the grass carried on growing.
Rospa report. A site meeting had been difficult to arrange and so it was agreed that everyone make an effort to agree a convenient date.
Village website: Richard Linford was progressing with the website and the quote of 50 a year for web hosting was agreed to by all PC members. The Clerk asked Mr Linford to provide her with an invoice with his costs in order that they could be reimbursed.
Village Signs: Only one letter of response to Paul Wayne s letter had been received and as this was from the artist it was agreed to let the matter lie.
Conservation Area: The appraisal of the Conservation Area had taken place and a public exhibition was to be held in November, with details being published in Pigeon Post.
Village Sign: Condition of sign at junction of The Street and Clappers Lane had been reported to Highways who said they would put it on their schedule of works and that if it needed to be replaced, a similar one would be used, not a metal one.
Lawn Mower: The now redundant lawn mower was now in the safe keeping of Councillor Parmar until such time it be needed again.
Joint Meetings: Two joint meetings with Poynings had taken place. One on Health, the outcome of which Councillor Corner said he would publicise in Pigeon Post, and Housing, which would result in a survey to establish if Fulking had a need.
Financial Matters: The Chairman and Vice Chairman signed off the interim audit, cheque list and cheque stubs.
Councillor Corner had received a quote of 40pa for the officials indemnity cover and it was agreed that this be taken up. Councillor Corner agreed to speak to Allianz to get the necessary paperwork.
AOB The Parish Clerk reminded the meeting of the new refuse and recycling system. She then advised that, due to personal reasons, she would stand down as Clerk in April 2008, as this would be the end of the one year that she had agreed to give the new Parish Council. The vacant position would be advertised in Pigeon Post.
Gina Field, District Councillor and Peter Griffiths, County Councillor addressed the meeting on various issues including the legal battle concerning the Princess Royal Hospital, the Highways Rangers and grants available to the PC.
Councillor Corner had attended a meeting on Rural Issues but there were no particular needs for Fulking.
Councillor Brooks advised he was in consultation with Mr Rawlings regarding the hedges in Clappers Lane and that they were to be cut back imminently.
A member of the audience advised that he would be putting in for planning permission for a mobile home at Folly Farm as he needed to live on site. He was advised that this would be discussed at the relevant planning meeting.
Mr Sapsted reported that the street lamp on the junction of Stammers Hill and The Street was not working and the Clerk agreed to report this to Seeboard.
Dates of Next Meetings: 10 January & 10 April 2008. The meeting closed at 9.35pm
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