The Operation Watershed scheme is not restricted to official entities like Parish Councils: it is also available to private enterprises like farms. There is still money available and Lionel Barnard, the WSCC member responsible for such things, is soliciting applications:
We want to remind people that funding is there. Now is the time to be doing the work in readiness for the coming winter, so if you know there is a flooding issue in your community or neighbourhood, tell us. Autumn is the best time of year to carry out ditch clearances, because it falls outside nesting season for birds. If you need help with clearing your ditch, especially if it is a water course that runs through your property, now is the time to make contact. Your local community officer can advise you how to get help from the Operation Watershed fund.
[Excerpted from the Horsham edition of the West Sussex County Times, August 7th, p66.]