After a month or two of hard work, I am pleased to announce the new Fulking Village website is now live.
As reported by Aidan in the June PP, I have taken over from James Lightfoot after his three year stint. I am sure all in the village would like to thank James for his great efforts over that time.
You may have noticed that the old site has not been updated as efficiently as James did it since I have taken it over. This is because I wanted to get the website in a form I could easily maintain. So I have completely reworked the layout of the site and brought most of the old content across to the new site. I have also added a new and improved interactive village diary.
I have decided to follow the Poynings website naming convention – so our new site is now to be found on The old domain name “” will also bring you to the new website for the foreseeable future but why not change your browser shortcuts now. I have introduced the new name as we are not really a UK company and the “.net” ending suggests a network of friends and neighbours. And its 9 characters shorter too – less typing!
We will be publishing a series of local history articles over the coming months. The first two are already on the site. So keep your eyes peeled for the new ones to appear.
Finally if anyone has any ideas for a new page or topical news story, spots an error, typo or inaccuracies etc, please get in touch by email on or give me a call on 957. The website belongs to all of us!
John Hazard