Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 6th October 2011 at 7.30pm
Members of the PC: David Slavin (DS), Pam Rowland (PR), Kate Watson (KW) and Linda Dyos (LD) Also present: Jenny Hartley – Clerk to the Council. DS informed those present that sadly Michael Trist had to step down from his position of Chairman of the PC due to personal health issues. Apologies had been received from MT. Chairman for the balance of the Council year (until May 2012): Cllr D. Slavin. Proposed KW. Seconded PR.
The minutes from the last Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 7.7.11 were approved.
Preston Nomads: Paul Hird – Chairman of PN was welcomed to the meeting. Residents were encouraged to use the pavilion during the winter months for events, for a minimal fee for covering the cost of heating. Issues relating to traffic and speed were highlighted to Mr Hird. Mr Hird confirmed PNs regularly write to their Members and visiting teams to remind them of the dangers of speeding in the area and country lanes. It was noted that should any of the lights be left on at the pavilion, residents were encouraged to call Mrs Robinson on 255. Thanks extended to Mr Hird for joining the PC this evening. Members were invited to attend PN committee meetings held once a quarter.
Market Garden: The applicant had been offered the opportunity to put an application in before 26.9.11, MSDC are waiting on SDNP to confirm who will be handling this application – (MSDC or SDNP). This is estimated to take approx. 1 month. Should SDNP not respond, MSDC will write to the applicant and give suitable notice. The PC have written to SDNP and MSDC in July, and chased again August, September and more recently, and this issue continues to be very frustrating. Unfortunately the Officials from WSCC and MSDC are not present this evening to assist us with moving this issue forward. [8.7.11 – Letter to MSDC and SNDP Chasing; 18.7.11 – Message left at MSDC & SDNP chasing; 3.8.11 – Letter to MSDC and SNDP Chasing; 30.8.11 – Calls to MSDC & SDNP; 12.9.11- Email sent to MSDC & SDNP (Copied to Claire Tester at MSDC); 30.9.11 – Email sent to MSDC & SDNP; 3.10.11 – Email sent to MSDC & SDNP; 20.10.11 – Email sent to MSDC & SDNP.]
Old Pump House: Enforcement should have been placed on the applicant at the end of Aug; however this is delayed awaiting a letter from SDNP.
Flooding: Assistance needed for the flooding by the Shepherd and Dog. Five members of the public are needed to contact highways and inform them of the issues relating to the flooding in order to gain the attention of WSCC.
Next Meeting Date Thursday 12th January 2012 at 7.30pm at Preston Nomad Ground.
Meeting closed at 20.16pm
[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]