Category Archives: Clappers Lane
Fulking photographer wins major award
Attentive readers of this website will know that Hugo Healy, seen above in his garden at Oldwood, recently took a set of aerial photographs of Fulking Fair. But he is now much better known for winning the Agora Images #Aerial2019 competition and, as a result, having his work feature in both The Sun and The Mail in the last couple of days (make sure to check both links as they feature slightly different sets of photos). More of his work can be viewed on Instagram @hugohealy and you can reach him by email if you are interested in obtaining prints.
Planning Meeting — Tuesday 25th June 2019
You are cordially invited to attend an extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council on Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 7:30pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking for the transaction of the business on the Agenda below.
Miles Firth — Chairman
Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.
- Apologies for absence.
- Declaration of members’ interests.
- Approve the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 23rd April, 2019.
- Planning Matters: To comment on planning application received from South Downs National Park being SDNP/19/02644/HOUS, Single storey kitchen extension to rear of the house, with roof lantern, additional window and raised patio extending from the kitchen at 35 Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9ND.
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 11th july 2019 to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7:30pm.
Kind regards
Trevor Parsons
Clerk – Fulking Parish Council
07767 422733
Call My Bluff
You may find it interesting, when the Government is trying to call Europe’s bluff, probably most unsuccessfully, to find that you have a chance to tip the scales and enjoy a successful evening at the annual Call My Bluff wine quiz on Friday 26th July at 7:00pm in the marquee that will then be located in the North Town Field. Four white and four red wines will be presented by our old friend Toby Peirce of Quaff, the Hove wine merchants, who will be assisted by a local halfwit and a surprise highly knowledgeable presenter. At £15 head and arranged in tables of 8 contestants this will be great value with good nibbles thrown in. Places are more limited than usual in what is a smaller marquee but this should increase the sense of competitive togetherness! Fortunately a knowledge of wine is not required and, indeed, may prove a handicap!
Do not hesitate or all the places may be reserved — early booking essential to avoid disappointment. Contact Bob on 271 or by email to reserve a table.
A house price history
41 Clappers Lane is a three bedroom terraced house that has sold four times in the last twenty years:Price data courtesy of Mouseprice.
Tiger Feet
It seems that UK Power have chewed up the footpath next to Lee Holden’s field (roughly by the 8-1F on the map above), while maintaining their installation. Walkers are warned to wear their boots or wellies for a while. Lee advises that while UK Power apologised, they also said that they wouldn’t be able to sort it out until the ground is a bit drier.
Miles Firth
Operation Watershed
Fulking (alone) has secured nearly 8% of this amount:
Fulking Parish Council, £13,529.03 to install new piped culverts and ditch work in Clappers Lane to increase capacity and allow surface water to drain.
Also of local interest:
.. more than £29,000 for Albourne Parish Council for ditch and gully work on Henfield Road, near Oak Vale Cottages, which is prone to flooding.
If you see, or have seen, this individual, then please report details of the sighting to the police without delay: tel. 47180180716, incident number SXP-20181127-0059.
Riparian Responsibilities
If you have a watercourse, ditch, stream, river or culvert on, or next to, your land, you are known as a ‘riparian owner’. Riparian owners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of watercourses on their land to ensure that they are not a flood risk to other people or property. Well maintained watercourses can significantly benefit the local community by reducing flood risk and creating habitats for wildlife.
Under law, the riparian responsibilities for landowners are to:
- Ensure the flow of water is not obstructed or polluted;
- Maintain the bottom and sides of the watercourse (including managing any trees and vegetation growing on the banks);
- Remove any obstructions, such as rubbish, fallen branches or garden waste;
- Maintain any structures (such as trash screens, culverts, weirs and mill gates) on it.
More information from WSCC is available here.