Bobservation No. 81: Fair Change

Colourful hands on yellew backgroundThis changing world
Jenny reminded me the other day of some of the really involved people who are no longer in the village. At the risk of omitting someone, in no particular order, Nick, Kate, Jo, Jim & Carolyn, Tony & Doris, Nick & Jill, Sarah, Harry & Charmayne, Ian and Jill, Adrian, Anthony, Alison, Tim, Annette, Holly & Ollie, Brian, Barry, Dave & Emily. I apologise for omissions! The point I am making is that since they left it has been harder and harder to get enthusiastic supporters of village events. Whenever the Coronavirus is controlled, life as we knew it will never be the same again. I hope that the acceptance with which people were prepared to put up with things will have been replaced by a more questioning attitude and a demand for a fairer more egalitarian society. Assuming this leads to material change, particularly in the NHS, it can only be a good thing so far as most of the population are concerned. Indeed, I think it is for villagers to do everything that they can legally to assist in bringing about such change.

RSPCA fun dog show at Fulking Fair
Subject to regulations concerning the virus and, of course, the weather we are on track for a really good fair on Sunday 25 July from noon till 5pm in the North Town Field. There will be live music, hot food, a bar, childrens’ games, teas and cakes and some interesting stalls. RSPCA will be taking part for the first time with a fun dog show from 12.30pm. National Trust, Sussex Wildlife Trust and Woodland Trust will be there. We are still very short of helpers, for all manner of jobs, so if you would like to join us and help raise some funds for Fulking village needs, please get in touch. I am seriously concerned that if we do not get more offers of help the Fair will be in jeopardy.

Bobservation No. 80: Village Hall and Fair

View of Chapel with Village Hall behind during FairFulking Fair 2021
To organise the fair means starting early in the year to contact possible stallholders and food outfits before they get booked up. I find this a very absorbing hobby and am very happy to do it. I am given to understand there may be villagers who object to the fair taking place this year due to the influx of possible carriers of the Corona virus. I must assure them, and indeed everybody, that whatever the Governmental regulations, regarding the pandemic, are they will be strictly adhered to. As ever any helping hands are always welcome. If you would like to join in please contact me by phone at 271 or email to

Village Hall
The future of the village hall, which has been the centre of Fulking social events for well over a century, is apparently back on the agenda of village life. Whilst the freehold of this interesting building seems to be in the hands of the Parochial Church Committee (PCC), it has been made available to the village by means of a leasing agreement in recent years. I do appeal to the PCC to consider the effect on Fulking if this availability were to terminate, take note of the strength of feeling in the village about the hall and be generous in whatever suggestions they may make for the future of this vital social asset.

Bobservation No. 70: Fair Lament

Lament for Fulking Fair

On Sunday 26 July we were due to have the annual Fulking Fair in the North Town Field and along the Street but Coronavirus has caused the Social Committee to cancel the event.
Regrettably, any current relief from the Governmental ‘lock-down’ instructions will make no difference to this decision due to sensible distancing being impossible to maintain at a fair and dog show. Believe me I am absolutely gutted at this happening because of the great pleasure I get from being involved in the organisation of the fair and the interaction with everyone else involved.
However, let us look forward to Sunday 25 July 2021 when we can hold the Fair and dog show again and hopefully the Coronavirus will no longer dominate our lives. In the meantime, please keep yourselves safe.

2020 Fulking Fair cancelled

2020 Fulking Fair cancelled
My Committee have agreed with me that it will be quite impossible to hold the annual Fulking Fair on Sunday 26th July this year. Accordingly it is with much regret I have to tell you that the Fair is cancelled. I invite all of you to participate on Sunday 25th July 2021 when I hope these difficult times will have passed. Take good care of yourselves ..

Bob Rowland
Chairman of Fulking Social Committee

Bobservation No. 62: Climate Change

Hollie and Ollie

Hollie & Ollie’s Wedding

Now that’s what a picture of a happy couple of newly weds should look like! Isn’t it lovely?

Climate Change

Many ghastly things are happening right now in our world but rising above them all is the planet-threatening event of Climate Change/Global Heating. It is easy to blame governments and oppositions for a dilatory attitude towards this, with some good reason, but it is incumbent on every one of us to act. Photovoltaic panels have become considerably cheaper to install and in spite of reduced feed-in tariffs have become cost-effective with the ever-rising cost of electricity. Solar water heating is also cheaper than it was and, in spite of our unpredictable weather, a highly efficient way to supply hot water. Certainly most short-haul journeys can be accomplished without the need to fly. If you have room in your garden then plant a tree. Perhaps when we get over what I can only describe as ‘the Eton mess’ we can concentrate on saving what there is left of the planet.

Fulking Social Committee

Dates for your diary:

Fulking Village Christmas party from 6:00pm until 8:00pm on Saturday 7th December in the village hall. You should be getting a card invitation soon, if not already. Drinks are free but please bring a plate of savoury nibbles. Hope to have a raffle of amazing prizes!

Fulking Fair 2020 will be held in the North Town Field on Sunday July 26th. Volunteers for nearly everything are needed. Please call me on 271 for information.

Bobservation No. 61

Nick Hughes in Fulking

Nick Hughes
Nick will be leaving us in October and I cannot begin to tell you how much the village and in particular the Social Committee and the Village Hall Action Group will miss him. He has been an enormous help in presenting the annual fair and quite honestly I do not see how we are going to manage without him. Leaving party in the Shepherd & Dog on Friday 4 October at 7.30pm, all welcome. Fingers crossed; he may come back soon!!

Climate Change
Well now! Greta Thunberg at 16 has delivered a message about how young people feel let down by politicians and by the rest of us in our disinterest in addressing climate change before the planet becomes uninhabitable. It would be good to think that as a village Fulking might take this challenge on board but it will need a very enthusiastic and imaginative leader if we are to achieve anything worthwhile. Is anyone concerned enough to offer to lead?

A perfect village wedding
It is not often that a wedding of villagers occurs here, but on September 7 Ollie Levett and Hollie Trist became Mr and Mrs Levett. The weather was perfect for a quite exceptional day. The couple looked stunning and the event was absolutely lovely and very ecologically friendly. How very lucky we were to be invited to such a memorable day. In villages like ours these occasions happen rarely and it would be nice to think that this wedding was the beginning of a new spirit of togetherness in Fulking. The newlyweds will possibly be moving to another Sussex village and that village’s gain will be our loss.  Here’s wishing them a very happy and healthy married life.

Unsolicited Testimonial
The other day I received a letter saying;  “I was lucky enough to have had a Sunday off to enjoy the very successful Fulking Fair. The atmosphere was perfect and my family and I spent the whole afternoon indulging ourselves in tea and cake, music and games. My brother was delighted to win £5 at the Hoopla!”

Fulking photographer wins major award

Hugo Healy The Sun 9 August 2019
Attentive readers of this website will know that Hugo Healy, seen above in his garden at Oldwood, recently took a set of aerial photographs of Fulking Fair. But he is now much better known for winning the Agora Images #Aerial2019 competition and, as a result, having his work feature in both The Sun and The Mail in the last couple of days (make sure to check both links as they feature slightly different sets of photos). More of his work can be viewed on Instagram @hugohealy and you can reach him by email if you are interested in obtaining prints.

Bobservation No. 59: Fair Play

Three images of Fulking Fair 2019

At about 2pm on Sunday 28th July I stood in the middle of the North Town Field and realised that the Fulking Social Committee together with Allsorts Dog Rescue and quite a few helpers had created as near to a perfect village fair as you will find.

Perfect weather, exotic dancing, lovely dog show, a great selection of stalls, tombola and model steam engine, really enjoyable teas and food, exciting tug of war, fun kids games, wonderful music and a highly professional bar were all enjoyed by the many visitors. It was truly memorable.

Too early to announce the financial details but sufficient evidence to tell you that it was profitable and improves our reserves for village hall and North Town Field requirements. And I nearly forgot! Call my Bluff on the Friday was just as successful.

What a wonderful Fulking weekend! It will be quite a challenge to follow this up with a repeat performance next year.