Bobservation No: 126. Domestic and International Matters

Weather map and image from Trump-Gaza AI, golden Trump statue on RHSVillage Hall
I read in BN5 that the fund-raising for the purchase of the village hall is underway. I sincerely wish the committee every success in this impressive and much needed venture.

Domestic Weather
This seems like the longest and most demanding autumn and winter in living memory and it is not even finished yet!. It has been quite chilly at times but not as cold as it used to be. The downside has been the rain and generally damp climate. There have been excessive water flooding problems in Clappers Lane and footpaths and gardens have been saturated. There is just a feeling of Spring with primroses and daffodils appearing everywhere.

International matters
I cannot remember such a concerning world- wide situation. There have been, and still are, many conflicts in the world, mostly totally unnecessary. Surely with a modicum of goodwill and common sense the major powers could support and strengthen the United Nations Organisation to a degree that eliminates and continues to eliminate war globally. This would enable most countries to redirect vast amounts of spending from armaments to climate change and providing the basic needs of all peoples worldwide. If this is not attainable then I cannot see any liveable future for our descendants. I am glad to be moving towards the end of life rather than the beginning.

Bobservation No.125: Courage and Idiocy

I was very moved by the speech made by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde at the Washington prayer service for the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the USA last week. Not many of us would be willing to publicly , and justifiably, criticise the head of state to his face and in public. She rates very highly in my book.

Fulking Village Hall
The recent highly successful open meeting in and on the subject of the village hall seems to have hopefully, at last, opened up the subject of the acquisition of the property from the Church. Of course there are some villagers who feel that the acquisition should be made as a free gift to Fulking Village and in spite of what evidence there is to show that the property is an asset of the Church, I would have thought that as gesture of goodwill and in view of the considerable sums that have been spent by villagers over the years on maintaining the property this might be the case.

I have only just discovered one of the most idiotic ‘improvements’ in abbreviations I have ever seen. AD which used to mean Anno Dominae being a year since the birth of Christ and BC which meant a year before the birth of Christ have each been revised as CE and BCE, now meaning Common Era and Before the Common Era. This has been done presumably to appease other religions than those following Christ. As an atheist I cannot think of a more stupid idea. Two perfectly good abbreviations now dispensed with to pander to a bunch of religious nutters. Globally the cost of this alteration must be astronomic. I intend to keep using the old method!

Village Hall Survey

Fulking Village Hall Survey

Fulking_Village_Hall_posterizedPlease complete a short survey by 31st January to help shape future activities and improvements at Fulking Village Hall….or paste this link into your browser:

Your feedback is really important to help develop the hall into a permanent and valuable asset for everyone in our community of local villages.

Please also Save The Date for the Open Day at Fulking Village Hall on 11th January.

Bobservation No.119: Merch

FULKING Totebags, Tea towels and Mugs
This seems an opportunity to remind everyone of the very acceptable three items for sale in the accompanying display. All of these are very well made and excellent value. Sarah has quite a few in stock but these will probably be sold quite quickly. I do urge you to take advantage of this chance to put away some family and friends maybe Christmas presents at very reasonable prices. Unfortunately the cost of producing a T shirt with a similar logo is preventing the making these available at an attractive price. If there was sufficient demand it might be worth considering.  I would certainly get one!

A thought…
As I get nearer to meeting Don Bradman, my thoughts turn to the great difference ageing can have depending, to a large extent, on how your cards are dealt.  On the one hand you may keep your marbles, or most of them, and be restricted physically and on the other suffer from mental deterioration but remain pretty fit. I know friends who fall into either category and, personally, I consider myself lucky to fall into the former group. This is an opinion others may not share!

Bobservation No: 110, Speeding

Village Speed Limits
I understand that the speed limit in Clappers Lane is being reduced to 30mph. In view of the fact that the Street is already 20mph and that Clappers Lane is, in places, highly dangerous at 30mph and walkers, horse riders and cyclists have to take evading action to avoid disaster, it seems to me that 20mph would have been much more sensible. Of course, without any deterrent any speed limit is unenforceable and meaningless. Personally, I have found the psychological effect of electronic ‘thank-you’ signs in and around Henfield to act as a very good method of reminding drivers of the speed limit. I imagine that these signs do not come cheaply, and it is highly unlikely that Fulking could have them installed but I have an awful feeling that one day a serious accident, possibly fatal, is going to happen.

Christmas Party
The organisers, Carolyn and Jen, tell me the annual Christmas party will be held in the village hall on Friday 8 December from 6.30 pm till 8.30pm. Please bring a plate of suitable nibbles and lots of dosh for the Tombola. We have been holding this party for many years now and it is always a great get together. If you are new to Fulking then it is a wonderful way to meet the locals and the booze is free!
All villagers and their families are welcome.

Bobservation No. 108: Village Hall

Whilst the possible purchase of the village hall from the Church is being discussed by the Parish Council, it is relevant to point out that, whatever happens, the annual costs of running the hall including maintenance and repairs will continue to increase because of the age of the building and, I guess, will be upwards of £3000 pa. in the immediate future. On current performance it will be difficult to raise this sort of money (this year’s fair raised between £800 and £900, some of which may be needed for the North Town Field). So far as I can see there is no easy answer to this and without a generous donor it will be difficult to continue.  Perhaps a way forward is to ask the Parish Council to look into whether it is possible for them to take on the expense of running the hall with an increase in the precept, in this way all villagers would share the cost. It might be a sensible path to take.

Bobservation No. 101: Joyce Harris RIP

Finger post highlighting Paythorne Farm

Joyce Harris
Another Fulking village stalwart departed. Joyce and her late husband Brian were leading lights in the village and at St Andrews for many years. Her determined goodwill led the ‘church mice’ and she was a dedicated parishioner who was greatly missed when she became unable to participate due to ill health. Very recent years have seen a passing away of many of the older villagers and it is up to the present generation to fill their shoes. Joyce’s funeral will be at St Andrews on Friday, 24 February at 11am.

Fulking Social Committee
Sally has certainly kicked off the New Year positively with organising the monthly Thursday evening get-together. It is in the village hall for villagers from the local Downland parishes. Turnout for the first one was very encouraging as were the ideas put forward. There is little doubt that this getting together is very welcome particularly for newcomers. Let’s hope that action matches the enthusiasm.

Fulking Fair 2023
I am delighted to have been asked to start off the organisation of this year’s fair which will be on Sunday July 16. It will move, together with vehicle parking from the North Town Field to Perching Manor Farm. Many thanks to David and Angela for making this possible. It is hoped that the additional space will make the organisation simpler and more profitable. There should certainly be room for as many stalls and games as we can get. Over the next months volunteers are going to be very much sought after. RSPCA fun dog show will again be the focus. If you would like a pitch contact me at

Bobservation No. 96: Continuation

Bluebells at Furzefield
Farewell to Fulking
As I write this I feel as though I am in another world! After thirty years of quite demanding work being custodians at Furzefield of a unique three acres of oak and hazel woodland and a glorious spread of bluebells in spring, we have moved to a delightful bungalow in Henfield. Moving was not the big wrench  we expected, just very hard work. Rich, Sarah and Archie will be our very dedicated successors.
A tremendous and very moving farewell was our great good fortune; held in the village hall attended by so many village friends who I dare not name for fear of leaving someone out! Sufficient to say, I was never able to encourage a Social Committee meeting of that size!  The leaving gift was quite amazingly generous and we were both very humbled by it. Many, many thanks to all of you. I fear my few words of thanks at the time turned into something of a hopeless drivel rather like recent question times in the House of Commons.
If only to achieve my century it has been suggested that I might continue with Bobservation a little while longer, which pleasure I hope you will grant me.

Fulking Fair 2022
Perhaps not quite as exciting as it can be because of the extreme heat and the need for new input. The future will be very well driven by Sally and her team with lots of new ideas. Please give her all the support she will need. Fulking Fair deserves to be protected, it has become a great local event.